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Forums - Sales Discussion - Resistance 2 sells 304K in NA week 1 --- Good or Bad??

indodude said:
Squilliam said:
It depends what you compare it to really...


Yeah, if you compare these sales to Resistance 1's NA week 1 sales, this was great.


Have you even read anything in this thread before you posted?  Try reading......... the second to last page.

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I think it's a good start.

4 ≈ One

it's good i guess...

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Deviation59 said:
I'm sorry but did anyone expect Resistance 2 to somehow compare to Gears of War 2 when it comes to sales? Anyone? The original is one of the best selling games on the PS3 and it's sales don't match up to the first Gears of War. Of course Gears or War 2 was going to have a massive launch. I don't know why anyone would expect the same out of Resistance 2.


I don't think anyone expected the same, but I would like to know why the attach rate of similar huge holiday exclusives on the HD consoles differ so drastically.

I assume a lot of people expected R2 to be better, or at least equal to Gears 2. Why didn't they buy it?

Was it the middling review scores?


As I've already stated I believe the attach rate for shooters on the PS3 to be way below that of the 360.  Install base plays a factor but attach rate, particularly if its high, makes a huge difference.

Simply put a shooter on 360 is going to get a higher attach rate, particularly if its one of the platforms signature titles.  You link a far higher attach rate to a larger install base (in US) and you get a huge difference.

I don't think its the scores so much as many more PS3 owners than you might think have no interest in RFOM2 (and probably wouldn't be any more interested in Gears 2 if it was on PS3 either).

I don't see this as damage control BTW, just the reality of the different consoles user base.  MS have always been able to rely on certain titles selling hugely well despite a comparitively small users base due to the high attach rate for certain genres their customer base skews to and I see this as a strength of the 360 over the PS3 for certain titles.

It makes Insomniac's loyalty to Sony all the more apparent - after all can you imaigine if RFOM2 was released on 360 with 8 player coop, etc.?  I'm sure its sales would dwarf those of the title on PS3.




Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Reasonable said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Deviation59 said:
I'm sorry but did anyone expect Resistance 2 to somehow compare to Gears of War 2 when it comes to sales? Anyone? The original is one of the best selling games on the PS3 and it's sales don't match up to the first Gears of War. Of course Gears or War 2 was going to have a massive launch. I don't know why anyone would expect the same out of Resistance 2.


I don't think anyone expected the same, but I would like to know why the attach rate of similar huge holiday exclusives on the HD consoles differ so drastically.

I assume a lot of people expected R2 to be better, or at least equal to Gears 2. Why didn't they buy it?

Was it the middling review scores?


As I've already stated I believe the attach rate for shooters on the PS3 to be way below that of the 360.  Install base plays a factor but attach rate, particularly if its high, makes a huge difference.

Simply put a shooter on 360 is going to get a higher attach rate, particularly if its one of the platforms signature titles.  You link a far higher attach rate to a larger install base (in US) and you get a huge difference.

I don't think its the scores so much as many more PS3 owners than you might think have no interest in RFOM2 (and probably wouldn't be any more interested in Gears 2 if it was on PS3 either).

I don't see this as damage control BTW, just the reality of the different consoles user base.  MS have always been able to rely on certain titles selling hugely well despite a comparitively small users base due to the high attach rate for certain genres their customer base skews to and I see this as a strength of the 360 over the PS3 for certain titles.

It makes Insomniac's loyalty to Sony all the more apparent - after all can you imaigine if RFOM2 was released on 360 with 8 player coop, etc.?  I'm sure its sales would dwarf those of the title on PS3.


Actually, I think Insomniac just keeps thinking, "Next game we put out will take off!"

I'm almost certain that Sony is helping Insomniac financially. Otherwise, why wouldn't they go multiplat, when it could triple their sales? You know Microsoft is paying the hell out of Epic.

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It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Not great, not horrible. I guess its alright. But some people did hype it against Gears 2. And Resistence 2 didnt do half as good as the first gears game, that was released only one year after 360-release.

Resistance 2 sold approximately 300,000 copies in a couple of days in North America, and that's good, of course. It did not sell horribly.

If only Sony wasnt so arrogant to release it at the same time as Gears of War 2. I think that the sales for R2 are good but the same release date makes me want to compare sales and Gears of War 2 is eating R2 in terms of sales.

These kind of moves are a double-edged sword, if you are successful then you can humiliate your opponent but otherwise you will be humiliated yourself.

Proud owner of the following gaming devices:

PC, XBox 360, Wii, PS2, DS, PS3


Chemical said:
If only Sony wasnt so arrogant to release it at the same time as Gears of War 2. I think that the sales for R2 are good but the same release date makes me want to compare sales and Gears of War 2 is eating R2 in terms of sales.

These kind of moves are a double-edged sword, if you are successful then you can humiliate your opponent but otherwise you will be humiliated yourself.


Sony arrogance? Are you high? The approximate release window for Resistance 2 has been known for over a year.

Approximate.  They didn't have to release it a few days away from gears.  I think I said it earlier in the thread, 2 of my friends probably woulda bought it if it was released in, say february.  I'm sure there are a lot of stories like that for people who own both systems.