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Forums - Sales Discussion - Resistance 2 sells 304K in NA week 1 --- Good or Bad??

I'm sorry, R2 is doing well because R1 only sold 40 units the first week?  Are you serious?  Do you remember how few ps3's there were back then?  It was a launch game.  It wasn't even physically possible for R1 to sell as many copies as R2 has.  On top of that, nobody had heard of it.  The only people who bought it that first week were blind buys who just happened to buy the only launch game that didn't suck.

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I'm sorry but did anyone expect Resistance 2 to somehow compare to Gears of War 2 when it comes to sales? Anyone? The original is one of the best selling games on the PS3 and it's sales don't match up to the first Gears of War. Of course Gears or War 2 was going to have a massive launch. I don't know why anyone would expect the same out of Resistance 2.

Deviation59 said:
I'm sorry but did anyone expect Resistance 2 to somehow compare to Gears of War 2 when it comes to sales? Anyone? The original is one of the best selling games on the PS3 and it's sales don't match up to the first Gears of War. Of course Gears or War 2 was going to have a massive launch. I don't know why anyone would expect the same out of Resistance 2.


I don't think anyone expected the same, but I would like to know why the attach rate of similar huge holiday exclusives on the HD consoles differ so drastically.

I assume a lot of people expected R2 to be better, or at least equal to Gears 2. Why didn't they buy it?

Was it the middling review scores?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


klaudkil said:
304 k is awesome! RFOM1 SOLD only about 45k first week in usa!

When Resistance: Fall of Man was released, there were 86,742 PS3s sold.

When Resistance 2 was released, there were 16.5 MILLION PS3s sold.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor, just curious why you want to boycott metacritic.  I find it pretty useful for reviews.  The only real downside is user reviews.  Exclusive games get bombed by people who own the other system and for some reason hate the system the game is on.  Jealousy is all that is.

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Lord N said:

That's gross speculation.

As a matter of fact, Resistance may have actually sold less because not only would it have been released the same week, it would be on the exact same console as GeOW2, which has become the 360's flagship title.

That was my point. A common damage control here seems to be that PS3 owners don't buy shooters like 360 owners do. Thus, I figure R2 would have sold more on the 360.

KZ2 and GeoW2 have a lot of things in common. They are both companies biggest games this holiday. They are both very hyped and advertised shooters, both had extensively ran TV commercials and were both exclusive games on directly competing consoles.

Suddenly, it's not fair to compare them in sales?

How is 300k good when its direct competitor just sold 1.5 million units in 2 days?

Also, I think Halo 3 was the 360's flagship title.


Are you saying Resistance 2 sucks?




Staude said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Squilliam said:
darthdevidem01 said:

please STOP with the bundled crap

Resistance was HARDLY bundled

Motorstorm was BUNDLED but sold 2.5 MILLION EASILY without bundles....unless you are telling me Motorstorm has MORE THAN 1 Million bundles...

A game which "sells" 2.5 Million does a lot better than Motorstorm 2 in the first week.


Well squilliam.....I was a die hard motorstorm 1 fan

the Motorstorm 2 DEMO turned me off n told me this games gonna be crap.....I thik thats the main reason for its downfall....Motorstorm 2 just isn't a great game like the first one!


motorstorm 2 is a billion times better than the first. I have both so i know :p


Yeah...but Motorstorm 2 is never going to sell like the first did. The reason the first sold so well was because it was bundled during initial sales.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
Deviation59 said:
I'm sorry but did anyone expect Resistance 2 to somehow compare to Gears of War 2 when it comes to sales? Anyone? The original is one of the best selling games on the PS3 and it's sales don't match up to the first Gears of War. Of course Gears or War 2 was going to have a massive launch. I don't know why anyone would expect the same out of Resistance 2.


I don't think anyone expected the same, but I would like to know why the attach rate of similar huge holiday exclusives on the HD consoles differ so drastically.

I assume a lot of people expected R2 to be better, or at least equal to Gears 2. Why didn't they buy it?

Was it the middling review scores?

This is easy (And i've been saying this the whole time i've been on VG today), because at it's height half of the Xboxes installed base will support the flagship games. The PS3 gets a quarter or less of it's installed base or less to support flagship games and other titles. When the Xbox was at and Halo came out all hell broke loose. It was so crazy it was on the news where I lived showing people wrapped around street corners just to get their hands on another copy of Halo 3. Gran Turismo 5 will change Sony's stars. In fact I think it's their only hope for Stellar sales this gen. It might not sell as well as Gran Turismo's in the past gens, but it will sell very well. That game is Sony's crowning jewel. Period.


S.T.A.G.E. said:
Staude said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Squilliam said:
darthdevidem01 said:

please STOP with the bundled crap

Resistance was HARDLY bundled

Motorstorm was BUNDLED but sold 2.5 MILLION EASILY without bundles....unless you are telling me Motorstorm has MORE THAN 1 Million bundles...

A game which "sells" 2.5 Million does a lot better than Motorstorm 2 in the first week.


Well squilliam.....I was a die hard motorstorm 1 fan

the Motorstorm 2 DEMO turned me off n told me this games gonna be crap.....I thik thats the main reason for its downfall....Motorstorm 2 just isn't a great game like the first one!


motorstorm 2 is a billion times better than the first. I have both so i know :p


Yeah...but Motorstorm 2 is never going to sell like the first did. The reason the first sold so well was because it was bundled during initial sales.


Motorstorm was bundled after initial sales.


Squilliam said:
It depends what you compare it to really...

Yeah, if you compare these sales to Resistance 1's NA week 1 sales, this was great.