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fastyxx said:


Halo 3 is an entirely different beast than Wii Sports/Play.  It's not packed in, for one.  And if you look at the gamercards of the people playing, they are playing other games too - other than the estimated 15-20k "alt accounts" Bungie estimates are double ups in a given week - people playing under two or more distinct tags.  The people playing that forever are online gamers that are going to play other games - they just keep coming back to Halo a few times a week.  It's a different breed.

Wii has a high attach rate because people ARE buying first party games, GH3, Legos and Sonic and Mario.  We already established that.


The original point that led to all this discussion was that it's amazing that there really are no breakout hits on a platform with 16 million American users.  There are good games that should appeal to a wider audience and no one (relatively speaking) buys them.

Worldwide what are the biggest selling 3rd party new IP exclusive (or originally exclusive) for Wii?

Carnival Games (2.3 million), We Ski (730k), and Game Party(1.4 million)

Isn't that a little sad?  Here's the list.

There's just nothing on there - for a system that's supposed to revolutionize how we play games?  That list sucks in content and 3rd party sales.  We can agree to disagree but that list just does suck for anyone not getting a piece of the profits.

 Um no we didn't. Infact we have established quite the opposite. It is selling third party software at a faster rate than the 360 or PS3 when compared from launch. That is third party software only. The attach rate is so good because people are buying a lot of third party software in addition to buying a lot of first party softwareeven when you completely exclude Wii Sports and Wii Play.

 And that list does not suck for me. I have both a 360 and a Wii. Guess which console I buy more games for. Guess which console has more games that appeal to me. Guess which console I will continue buying more games for. You are continuing to ignore all data presented to you and rambling on about your inaccurate points. Another interesting thing to note is the Nintendo list of third party million sellers has 5 more titles than what Vgchartz currently has.

 You are welcome to continue thinking that any game that does not break a million means that no one is buying it. I clearly can't dispel that complete distortion of reality. I will say again though that you are looking at random statistics that help your case while completely ignoring the ones that prove it wrong. That is cherry picking at its very worst. Should you ever want real answers to your questions I will continue to be here posting them.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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@ Gnizmo

If I am a cherry picker, then here's the cherry I pick.  Courtesy of Gamasutra Nov. 6, 2008





Interesting article.  You should check it out, along with a more detailed piece, which is linked at the bottom of that page.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

where is that graph from nintendo's financial statement about 3rd party sales? Someone post it that'll prove your point. Still the 3rd party games don't sell on wii will people will continue anyway but at least this thread will end.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

johnsobas said:
where is that graph from nintendo's financial statement about 3rd party sales? Someone post it that'll prove your point. Still the 3rd party games don't sell on wii will people will continue anyway but at least this thread will end.


I could be wrong but from the history on this site most of the people complaining about lack of third party support on the Wii are not Wii haters but actual Wii owners..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

fastyxx said:

@ Gnizmo

If I am a cherry picker, then here's the cherry I pick.  Courtesy of Gamasutra Nov. 6, 2008





Interesting article.  You should check it out, along with a more detailed piece, which is linked at the bottom of that page.

 That is, infact, one of the sources of data I am using. That attach rate is from NPD which (surprise!) lacks Wii Play and Sports. This means without those games it is massively outselling the PS3 in software right now due to the fact that it is massively outselling it in number of consoles.

 Beyond that though the numbers you have chosen to cherry pick are very bad for your arguement. The Wii has sold 15.4 million units using the numbers from that chart. That means it sold 47.7million units of third party software. The Xbox 360 had sold 8 million units as of the time the chart references. That means it sold 41.7 million units of third party software. Seems the cherry you picked does nothing but support my arguement.

 I say again, your arbitrary number is meaningless. All you have proven is people are buying a broad range of software for the Wii rather than specific titles. This essentially invalidates you arguement that they get hung up on Wii Play as well. Good luck with your next cherry.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Around the Network
Ail said:
johnsobas said:
where is that graph from nintendo's financial statement about 3rd party sales? Someone post it that'll prove your point. Still the 3rd party games don't sell on wii will people will continue anyway but at least this thread will end.


I could be wrong but from the history on this site most of the people complaining about lack of third party support on the Wii are not Wii haters but actual Wii owners..

 It always seemed to me to be a pretty even mix of both. NPD seems to disagree with that assertion though. If the Wii has been poor in moving third party software then every console has been poor at moving it at this point in the life cycle (at least for this generation). The Wii is selling third party softwareat the best rate of any console when compared from launch to present. It might not move it as well as the 360 currently does (I have not bothered to compare it) but it does it better than what the 360 did 2 years in and better than the PS3 does currently.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

@fastyxx: How does that help your argument?

It clearly shows the Wii selling more software than the PS3. That's also unincluding Wii Sports - people conviniently think the game is only played just because it's bundled, yet ignore the fact it has got a 47% attach rate in Japan, where it is not bundled.

Also, even though it has a smaller third party attach rate, it's still selling more software due to its larger install base. It's not a mystery as to why third parties haven't come up with any big hits. They're putting all the popular franchises on the HD consoles.

As to your earlier quote:

The point is that those games are good, while Wii Sports baseball blows. Wii tennis is wildly inconsistent in terms of translating Wiimote motions to the screen. 6 of the 9 Wii Play games are virtually unplayable.

The Wii-mote is fun when used well by its software. Wii Tennis is fun. Wii Bowling is ok. Boxing is fun, if tiring. (LOL) But much of the content of both those discs genuinely sucks.

Here's the problem: you're forcing your opinion as if it's fact. I think many popular games on HD consoles geniunely suck, but I don't whine about it being bad for gaming.

Gnizmo said:
fastyxx said:

@ Gnizmo

If I am a cherry picker, then here's the cherry I pick.  Courtesy of Gamasutra Nov. 6, 2008





Interesting article.  You should check it out, along with a more detailed piece, which is linked at the bottom of that page.

 That is, infact, one of the sources of data I am using. That attach rate is from NPD which (surprise!) lacks Wii Play and Sports. This means without those games it is massively outselling the PS3 in software right now due to the fact that it is massively outselling it in number of consoles.

 Beyond that though the numbers you have chosen to cherry pick are very bad for your arguement. The Wii has sold 15.4 million units using the numbers from that chart. That means it sold 47.7million units of third party software. The Xbox had sold 8 million units as of the time the chart references. That means it sold 41.7 million units of third party software. Seems the cherry you picked does nothing but support my arguement.

 I say again, your arbitrary number is meaningless. All you have proven is people are buying a broad range of software for the Wii rather than specific titles. This essentially invalidates you arguement that they get hung up on Wii Play as well. Good luck with your next cherry.

If you use the numbers from this site:

360 has sold roughly 125 million third party games, wii roughly 63 million third party games and ps3 roughly 61 million third party games.


Worldwide and ltd, of course.


leo-j said:
Wow the wii is doing unbelieveable, I dont understand why

It's just that good.

In a costco i was contracted to work at Saturday they sold over 60 in a day.  Crazy stuff.  They had like 80 little cardboard holders on a big display... come sunday they only had like 8 left... which were gone by like noon.


Kulle said:

If you use the numbers from this site:

360 has sold roughly 125 million third party games, wii roughly 63 million third party games and ps3 roughly 61 million third party games.


 I am not sure what you are getting at here. Are you saying my numbers are wrong, or trying to expand upon them? I assure you the numbers I have are right as NPD is a much much better source for software sold than Vgchartz for a number of reasons. The Wii has almost certainly sold more than that in third party software as it is at more than 2/3rds of that with only USA data.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229