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Ail said:
johnsobas said:
where is that graph from nintendo's financial statement about 3rd party sales? Someone post it that'll prove your point. Still the 3rd party games don't sell on wii will people will continue anyway but at least this thread will end.


I could be wrong but from the history on this site most of the people complaining about lack of third party support on the Wii are not Wii haters but actual Wii owners..

 It always seemed to me to be a pretty even mix of both. NPD seems to disagree with that assertion though. If the Wii has been poor in moving third party software then every console has been poor at moving it at this point in the life cycle (at least for this generation). The Wii is selling third party softwareat the best rate of any console when compared from launch to present. It might not move it as well as the 360 currently does (I have not bothered to compare it) but it does it better than what the 360 did 2 years in and better than the PS3 does currently.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229