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Gnizmo said:
fastyxx said:

@ Gnizmo

If I am a cherry picker, then here's the cherry I pick.  Courtesy of Gamasutra Nov. 6, 2008





Interesting article.  You should check it out, along with a more detailed piece, which is linked at the bottom of that page.

 That is, infact, one of the sources of data I am using. That attach rate is from NPD which (surprise!) lacks Wii Play and Sports. This means without those games it is massively outselling the PS3 in software right now due to the fact that it is massively outselling it in number of consoles.

 Beyond that though the numbers you have chosen to cherry pick are very bad for your arguement. The Wii has sold 15.4 million units using the numbers from that chart. That means it sold 47.7million units of third party software. The Xbox had sold 8 million units as of the time the chart references. That means it sold 41.7 million units of third party software. Seems the cherry you picked does nothing but support my arguement.

 I say again, your arbitrary number is meaningless. All you have proven is people are buying a broad range of software for the Wii rather than specific titles. This essentially invalidates you arguement that they get hung up on Wii Play as well. Good luck with your next cherry.

If you use the numbers from this site:

360 has sold roughly 125 million third party games, wii roughly 63 million third party games and ps3 roughly 61 million third party games.


Worldwide and ltd, of course.