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@fastyxx: How does that help your argument?

It clearly shows the Wii selling more software than the PS3. That's also unincluding Wii Sports - people conviniently think the game is only played just because it's bundled, yet ignore the fact it has got a 47% attach rate in Japan, where it is not bundled.

Also, even though it has a smaller third party attach rate, it's still selling more software due to its larger install base. It's not a mystery as to why third parties haven't come up with any big hits. They're putting all the popular franchises on the HD consoles.

As to your earlier quote:

The point is that those games are good, while Wii Sports baseball blows. Wii tennis is wildly inconsistent in terms of translating Wiimote motions to the screen. 6 of the 9 Wii Play games are virtually unplayable.

The Wii-mote is fun when used well by its software. Wii Tennis is fun. Wii Bowling is ok. Boxing is fun, if tiring. (LOL) But much of the content of both those discs genuinely sucks.

Here's the problem: you're forcing your opinion as if it's fact. I think many popular games on HD consoles geniunely suck, but I don't whine about it being bad for gaming.