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Forums - Sales Discussion - America numbers up!

Hardware Sales, 08th Nov 2

Japan America Others Total
27,132 295,388 204,797 527,317
110,012 166,126 314,211 590,349
11,493 114,166 129,712 255,371
22,399 78,255 112,630 213,284
45,771 63,299 73,802






Mod Edit (Sqrl): Fixed table.

I got the worldwide numbers up now, and thanks for the fix Sqrl

Around the Network

Nice boost from Gears 2

ok you can have the thread idc..



You beat me to it, ya douche =P

Gears has done the 360 very well. Wii's wayyy up there, thanks to good supply. Even PS3's up.. good all around.

Wii explodes, lol :P

Around the Network

Healthy sales all around....

Former something....

leo-j said:
ok you can have the thread idc..


gotta be quicker then that lol

Wow the wii is doing unbelieveable, I dont understand why



Wii and DS both over half million worldwide this week....amazing!

Xbox 360 isn't doing too bad and seems to be picking up.

.15 million sales until a 6 million gap between PS3 and Xbox 360. Looks like people's sales predictions in the end of the year aren't going too well as plan as of right now.