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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto's Mistake and what it'll cost the Wii

Zucas said:
Gamerace said:
Just wanted to take a second and thank everyone who actually took the time to read what I had to say and give a considered opinion irregardless of whether you agreed with anything I said or not. More than anything it's the high level of discussion on this site that keeps me coming back everyday.

I do feel, unfortunately, that ultimately despite it's success Miyamoto won't ever be happy with the end results of Wii Music. I feel it was dear to his heart and he'll be disappointed it wasn't more universally embraced.

Otherwise, I too doubt this will stop Wii any but I had this idea nagging in my mind and since my instincts have been pretty good so far thought I'd share this for discussion. Time will ultimately tell, but if there's one thing I learned from John Lucas it's that anyone can call something when it's apparent, but if you want to be taken seriously you have to be willing to put yourself out there a bit a call it even when no one else can see it.


Well we all want the console to succeed while looking out for our personal interests within which is good why we need to keep pushing Ninty.  Hell we pushed them so hard after E3 look what we got out of that October conference.  And people say you can't change agendas. 

So it's good that we dissect every outside and unique opinion because if you don't then you are left with the known and not the unknown.  That never bodes well with me.  Although i can't say this opinion has much creedance on affecting Nintendo, it could be something that could affect PR and we are already seeing that happen.

No one caused the October confernece, it's a repeat of last year. "Oh noes WII FIT DESTROYING THE INDUSTRY!!1" "NO CORE GAMES NINTENDO ABANDONING THE HARDCORE"

Then the Fall conference rolls around and everyone shuts up.

It's probably going to happen again next year.



Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Around the Network
ClaudeLv250 said:
Zucas said:
Gamerace said:
Just wanted to take a second and thank everyone who actually took the time to read what I had to say and give a considered opinion irregardless of whether you agreed with anything I said or not. More than anything it's the high level of discussion on this site that keeps me coming back everyday.

I do feel, unfortunately, that ultimately despite it's success Miyamoto won't ever be happy with the end results of Wii Music. I feel it was dear to his heart and he'll be disappointed it wasn't more universally embraced.

Otherwise, I too doubt this will stop Wii any but I had this idea nagging in my mind and since my instincts have been pretty good so far thought I'd share this for discussion. Time will ultimately tell, but if there's one thing I learned from John Lucas it's that anyone can call something when it's apparent, but if you want to be taken seriously you have to be willing to put yourself out there a bit a call it even when no one else can see it.


Well we all want the console to succeed while looking out for our personal interests within which is good why we need to keep pushing Ninty. Hell we pushed them so hard after E3 look what we got out of that October conference. And people say you can't change agendas.

So it's good that we dissect every outside and unique opinion because if you don't then you are left with the known and not the unknown. That never bodes well with me. Although i can't say this opinion has much creedance on affecting Nintendo, it could be something that could affect PR and we are already seeing that happen.

No one caused the October confernece, it's a repeat of last year. "Oh noes WII FIT DESTROYING THE INDUSTRY!!1" "NO CORE GAMES NINTENDO ABANDONING THE HARDCORE"

Then the Fall conference rolls around and everyone shuts up.

It's probably going to happen again next year.



And if you really believe that then you believe that Nintendo continously likes to hurt their ratings within the public by risking it that much.  The October conference was a complete reaction to the E3 2008 whether contrived or not.


I only have 2 issues with this thread:

2 weeks in one region = yes/no for failure? Talk to me again after Christmas is over, kthnxbye

game not selling like hotcakes = miyamoto's mistake? Look, I know he's not perfect, but if you want to talk about mistakes, bring up something like the Virtual Boy. THAT was a mistake (though not sure if it was a mistake that can be attributed to him) Wii Music is exactly what it's supposed to be and does exactly what it is supposed to do. Will it be the latest fad and get its own parade and nomination for the nobel prize? probably not, but it will sell reasonably well, for a long time, and the people who the game was made for will enjoy it in the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


Zucas said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
Zucas said:
Gamerace said:
Just wanted to take a second and thank everyone who actually took the time to read what I had to say and give a considered opinion irregardless of whether you agreed with anything I said or not. More than anything it's the high level of discussion on this site that keeps me coming back everyday.

I do feel, unfortunately, that ultimately despite it's success Miyamoto won't ever be happy with the end results of Wii Music. I feel it was dear to his heart and he'll be disappointed it wasn't more universally embraced.

Otherwise, I too doubt this will stop Wii any but I had this idea nagging in my mind and since my instincts have been pretty good so far thought I'd share this for discussion. Time will ultimately tell, but if there's one thing I learned from John Lucas it's that anyone can call something when it's apparent, but if you want to be taken seriously you have to be willing to put yourself out there a bit a call it even when no one else can see it.


Well we all want the console to succeed while looking out for our personal interests within which is good why we need to keep pushing Ninty. Hell we pushed them so hard after E3 look what we got out of that October conference. And people say you can't change agendas.

So it's good that we dissect every outside and unique opinion because if you don't then you are left with the known and not the unknown. That never bodes well with me. Although i can't say this opinion has much creedance on affecting Nintendo, it could be something that could affect PR and we are already seeing that happen.

No one caused the October confernece, it's a repeat of last year. "Oh noes WII FIT DESTROYING THE INDUSTRY!!1" "NO CORE GAMES NINTENDO ABANDONING THE HARDCORE"

Then the Fall conference rolls around and everyone shuts up.

It's probably going to happen again next year.



And if you really believe that then you believe that Nintendo continously likes to hurt their ratings within the public by risking it that much.  The October conference was a complete reaction to the E3 2008 whether contrived or not.


If people think that a couple of fanbrats whining on the internet caused a Punch Out revival to materialize, a new DS, and the miracle that is Sin & Punishment 2 then they really need a reality check. This is a yearly conference whether people like it or not, and the fact that Nintendo waited a mere month before the launch of the DSi to reveal it just makes it that much more painfully obvious that they're sticking to their guns when they said they weren't going to reveal anything until they felt damn well ready to do so, crying on the internet be damned.




Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

When Nintendo isn't selling as well and making profit = NINTENDO IS DOOMED! THIRD PARTY SOON!

When Nintendo is selling well and making profit = NINTENDO IS DOOMED! THERE NOT SHOWING CORE GAMES!

I think it quite clear now Nintendo is not in any trouble at all existing on the market and the reviews of Wii music or budget to make Wii music are most likely not going to hurt them in anyway.

Around the Network
hanafuda said:
shams said:
No comment. How "Wii Music" has "failed" - is beyond me. Remember that Nintendo makes money off SHIPMENT sales - not RETAIL sales.

And I would say its already got close to shipping 1m units worldwide. And for a full priced game, with no controllers included - Ninty will be making a solid $20US-$30US "profit" per unit - meaning approx $25m in their pockets already.

Even if the game cost $5m to make - and that might be doubtful - that's a $20m US profit *already*.

By the time the Wii stops selling, WiiMusic will have made Ninty a cool $60-100m in profit - if not more.


Its the perception that things like this are "failures" that keeps Ninty laughing all the way to the bank - while EA/Sony (etc) rack up hundreds of millions of losses per qrt.


Nice damage control, but it doesn't have much to do with the thread title or OP's comments.

"Wii Music - It seems I was the only one to correctly predict this title would not succeed commercially in the way Sports/Play/Fit & Kart have (although Malstrom alluded to it in his blog)."


This is no *requirement* for WiiMusic to sell as many units as WiiFit or MK - and there never has been.

WiiMusic is *already* a commercial success, and its doing exactly what the "Wii" titles should be doing - appealing to a new audience. I know people that almost certainly will buy a Wii for this game - because they are "hardcore" classical music people. They didn't buy it for WiiFit, nor for MK, nor for WiiSports - but almost certainly will for WiiMusic. And they are not gamers.

Hence, Miyamoto's objective was successful - to get more non-gamers into the gaming market.


It doesn't matter at all, if WiiMusic *only* sells 1-2m copies - if 20% (or more) of those copies are sold along with new Wii hardware.

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noname2200 said:
famousringo said:
pastro243 said:

I don't think that anybody is bashing Rock Band or Guitar Hero for being accessible. Accessiblity of play is a major advantage of those franchises and a big factor in their massive success. It's just ironic that the Wii franchise entry in the music genre is less accessible than these established music franchises.

From what I've played, Wii Music IS actually more accessible than Guitar Hero et. al. I've seen novices on Guitar Hero struggle greatly on Easy mode (I certainly did myself) for hours before the whole thing "clicked." By contrast, none of the instruments in Wii Music are particularly hard to "get"; you'll be strumming along in minutes. So I think with that game, it's Mission Accomplished, as not knowing the mechanics of instruments is no longer an obstacle.

The problem with the game isn't that it's not accessible, it's that it only gives back as much as you put into it. Put simply, while you no longer need to learn how to play an instrument to make things sound good, you do need to have a good idea for what you're aiming for. That guitar solo you just inserted in Twinkle Twinkle? Probably not the best place to put it. And playing the cymbals off-beat in any song WILL sound bad. Still, I think a lot of people will enjoy screwing up the songs, because they're the ones doing the screwing up. It's kind of like karoake, where the performer's having a good time, and the audience is preparing to throw heavy blunt objects.


That's kinda pushing it. I know you're trying to make a point but still...

It took my wife all of 4 tries to beat one song in easy and she had never played a console game before in her life, the only thing she plays is MMORPGs on the PC...

She had never played a musical instrument either before...

Granted it wasn't a perfect but she did it and all it took to convince her to try it was see me playing the game.

As for people that actually play Guitar in real, well I have a friend that beat every GH:WT songs on expert on his first try and yes he plays guitar in real...

And that's what attract a lot of people with GH and Rockband, the instruments look like real instrument and when you see a guy playing the guitar and hear a Rolling Stones or an Aerosmith song, you want to do the same...

That is one key thing most people didn't mention in this thread, GH and Rock Band are built around songs most people of a certain age have danced to and heard countless times on the radio and tv, songs by bands a lot of us were big fans of.

Wii Music, not so much, mainly dare I say, kids tunes, and seeing the pile of money Nintendo sits on, it really feels like they were real cheap in that area....

As for the whole creativity argument. Fact is most people that play music in real actually play music composed by someone else. So in the end it's all more similar to the GH3/Rock Band experience... Very few people actually try to compose their own music...


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

scottie said:
@ OP

You are not very smart.

Wii Sports is currently the 3rd highest selling game of all time. By Christmas, or soon after it shall be the best selling game of all time.

Wii Play is currently 15th, and has a chance of making it to 2nd (behind Wii Sports) by the time it stops selling

Wii Fit is currently 34th (last time I checked) but is still selling incredibly. Could end in the top 10 easily

My point is, if you expected Wii Music to sell as well as these, you are a tool. So it is fact your mistake, not our God Miyamoto's. A game doesn't have to Be in the top 10 best selling games of all time for it to be a success.

Wii Music has only seen 2 weeks in Japan and 1 in America. Little bit early for judgements I would say.

Regardless, as to what it will cost Nintendo? nothing whatsoever. Animal Crossing will sell more by the end of its life than either LBP or Gears of War II


 You make one very good point here. Not selling as much as the other games in the Wii series cannot be a disappointment, as only 10 games are going to have sold that much.

Nintendo currently has 4 major titles out. Sport, Play, Fit and Mario Kart. Those are all going to end in the top 10 best selling console games ever.

Compare it do the DS. It has 6 major games out (sorry, AC:WW doesn't cut it). They are all going to end in the top 10 best selling handheld games ever.

If you look at those great sellers, they are actually pretty equal.

Wii Sports, Play and Fit are pretty equal to Brain Training, More Brain Training and Nintendogs.

Mario Kart Wii is equal to Mario Kart DS.

The only real difference so far, is that Super Mario Galaxy isn't going to cut it (it would need 14.9M to do so, and 17 if a Wii game other than the 3 Wiis and MK outsells it), while New Super Mario Bros. does.


And hasn't the DS become proclaimed as the best RPG librrary ever (or at least since SNES), and one of the greatest libraries?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Gamerace said:

I do feel, unfortunately, that ultimately despite it's success Miyamoto won't ever be happy with the end results of Wii Music. I feel it was dear to his heart and he'll be disappointed it wasn't more universally embraced.

To be honest, as a game developer, I hope he IS disappointed with it so he learns a lesson from it. Maybe it will wake in him up from making novelty game ideas and bring him back to making a new, core-focused IP. How badass would it be to see Miyamoto break out the next brand new IP that is tantamount to the legends such as Mario, Donkey Kong and Zelda? And how much would that piss off all the Sony/MS fans?


bardicverse said:
Gamerace said:

I do feel, unfortunately, that ultimately despite it's success Miyamoto won't ever be happy with the end results of Wii Music. I feel it was dear to his heart and he'll be disappointed it wasn't more universally embraced.

To be honest, as a game developer, I hope he IS disappointed with it so he learns a lesson from it. Maybe it will wake in him up from making novelty game ideas and bring him back to making a new, core-focused IP. How badass would it be to see Miyamoto break out the next brand new IP that is tantamount to the legends such as Mario, Donkey Kong and Zelda? And how much would that piss off all the Sony/MS fans?


He is a smart business man. All game designers should be.


 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.