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noname2200 said:
famousringo said:
pastro243 said:

I don't think that anybody is bashing Rock Band or Guitar Hero for being accessible. Accessiblity of play is a major advantage of those franchises and a big factor in their massive success. It's just ironic that the Wii franchise entry in the music genre is less accessible than these established music franchises.

From what I've played, Wii Music IS actually more accessible than Guitar Hero et. al. I've seen novices on Guitar Hero struggle greatly on Easy mode (I certainly did myself) for hours before the whole thing "clicked." By contrast, none of the instruments in Wii Music are particularly hard to "get"; you'll be strumming along in minutes. So I think with that game, it's Mission Accomplished, as not knowing the mechanics of instruments is no longer an obstacle.

The problem with the game isn't that it's not accessible, it's that it only gives back as much as you put into it. Put simply, while you no longer need to learn how to play an instrument to make things sound good, you do need to have a good idea for what you're aiming for. That guitar solo you just inserted in Twinkle Twinkle? Probably not the best place to put it. And playing the cymbals off-beat in any song WILL sound bad. Still, I think a lot of people will enjoy screwing up the songs, because they're the ones doing the screwing up. It's kind of like karoake, where the performer's having a good time, and the audience is preparing to throw heavy blunt objects.


That's kinda pushing it. I know you're trying to make a point but still...

It took my wife all of 4 tries to beat one song in easy and she had never played a console game before in her life, the only thing she plays is MMORPGs on the PC...

She had never played a musical instrument either before...

Granted it wasn't a perfect but she did it and all it took to convince her to try it was see me playing the game.

As for people that actually play Guitar in real, well I have a friend that beat every GH:WT songs on expert on his first try and yes he plays guitar in real...

And that's what attract a lot of people with GH and Rockband, the instruments look like real instrument and when you see a guy playing the guitar and hear a Rolling Stones or an Aerosmith song, you want to do the same...

That is one key thing most people didn't mention in this thread, GH and Rock Band are built around songs most people of a certain age have danced to and heard countless times on the radio and tv, songs by bands a lot of us were big fans of.

Wii Music, not so much, mainly dare I say, kids tunes, and seeing the pile of money Nintendo sits on, it really feels like they were real cheap in that area....

As for the whole creativity argument. Fact is most people that play music in real actually play music composed by someone else. So in the end it's all more similar to the GH3/Rock Band experience... Very few people actually try to compose their own music...


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !