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hanafuda said:
shams said:
No comment. How "Wii Music" has "failed" - is beyond me. Remember that Nintendo makes money off SHIPMENT sales - not RETAIL sales.

And I would say its already got close to shipping 1m units worldwide. And for a full priced game, with no controllers included - Ninty will be making a solid $20US-$30US "profit" per unit - meaning approx $25m in their pockets already.

Even if the game cost $5m to make - and that might be doubtful - that's a $20m US profit *already*.

By the time the Wii stops selling, WiiMusic will have made Ninty a cool $60-100m in profit - if not more.


Its the perception that things like this are "failures" that keeps Ninty laughing all the way to the bank - while EA/Sony (etc) rack up hundreds of millions of losses per qrt.


Nice damage control, but it doesn't have much to do with the thread title or OP's comments.

"Wii Music - It seems I was the only one to correctly predict this title would not succeed commercially in the way Sports/Play/Fit & Kart have (although Malstrom alluded to it in his blog)."


This is no *requirement* for WiiMusic to sell as many units as WiiFit or MK - and there never has been.

WiiMusic is *already* a commercial success, and its doing exactly what the "Wii" titles should be doing - appealing to a new audience. I know people that almost certainly will buy a Wii for this game - because they are "hardcore" classical music people. They didn't buy it for WiiFit, nor for MK, nor for WiiSports - but almost certainly will for WiiMusic. And they are not gamers.

Hence, Miyamoto's objective was successful - to get more non-gamers into the gaming market.


It doesn't matter at all, if WiiMusic *only* sells 1-2m copies - if 20% (or more) of those copies are sold along with new Wii hardware.

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