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Zucas said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
Zucas said:
Gamerace said:
Just wanted to take a second and thank everyone who actually took the time to read what I had to say and give a considered opinion irregardless of whether you agreed with anything I said or not. More than anything it's the high level of discussion on this site that keeps me coming back everyday.

I do feel, unfortunately, that ultimately despite it's success Miyamoto won't ever be happy with the end results of Wii Music. I feel it was dear to his heart and he'll be disappointed it wasn't more universally embraced.

Otherwise, I too doubt this will stop Wii any but I had this idea nagging in my mind and since my instincts have been pretty good so far thought I'd share this for discussion. Time will ultimately tell, but if there's one thing I learned from John Lucas it's that anyone can call something when it's apparent, but if you want to be taken seriously you have to be willing to put yourself out there a bit a call it even when no one else can see it.


Well we all want the console to succeed while looking out for our personal interests within which is good why we need to keep pushing Ninty. Hell we pushed them so hard after E3 look what we got out of that October conference. And people say you can't change agendas.

So it's good that we dissect every outside and unique opinion because if you don't then you are left with the known and not the unknown. That never bodes well with me. Although i can't say this opinion has much creedance on affecting Nintendo, it could be something that could affect PR and we are already seeing that happen.

No one caused the October confernece, it's a repeat of last year. "Oh noes WII FIT DESTROYING THE INDUSTRY!!1" "NO CORE GAMES NINTENDO ABANDONING THE HARDCORE"

Then the Fall conference rolls around and everyone shuts up.

It's probably going to happen again next year.



And if you really believe that then you believe that Nintendo continously likes to hurt their ratings within the public by risking it that much.  The October conference was a complete reaction to the E3 2008 whether contrived or not.


If people think that a couple of fanbrats whining on the internet caused a Punch Out revival to materialize, a new DS, and the miracle that is Sin & Punishment 2 then they really need a reality check. This is a yearly conference whether people like it or not, and the fact that Nintendo waited a mere month before the launch of the DSi to reveal it just makes it that much more painfully obvious that they're sticking to their guns when they said they weren't going to reveal anything until they felt damn well ready to do so, crying on the internet be damned.




Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"