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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dead Space: It's friggin good.

noname2200 said:
How's the length, gameplay, and variety? Does it peter out like Bioshock did, or is it fantastic throughout like RE4? In terms of the scares, are they going more for Silent Hill or for System Shock? Does it remain challenging throughout? And does the fear factor come primarily from the difficulty, or are there plenty of well-crafted "moments" throughout the game?

You guys have me on the brink of purchasing it. Still, I only have the time for two games this year, and Guitar Hero's already taking one of those slots. Why should this be the other?


Took me 13 hours on hard.  The end remains just as good as the beginning.  The game has a ton of atmosphere and does a good job of keeping you tense.  Ammo can be scarce initially (ran out of ammo twice in the first hour), but eventually you do have an arsenal of upgraded weapons and plenty of ammo.  There are a couple of good moments, but I don't know if they are "scary."  I don't think that if I were playing Resident Evil for the first time now, it would be scary, so it's hard for me to judge.  Still, I'd recommend this game to anyone who enjoyed Resident Evil 4.

I only had a couple gripes about the game.  The melee combat was useless.  The bosses were way too easy.  And stasis is overpowered.  I wish they hadn't included it.

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How can you guys even compare it to Bioshok and especially RE4 is beyond me.
Sure, it is one of the better survival horrors released lately but the story is completely uninteresting, cliche and poorly delivered while the gameplay feels like a poor man's RE4, with cluncky controls, average animations and mediocre enemy design. I'm not even talking about how painfully repetitive the game is, you basically do the exact same thing for 10 hours as the game's scale and scope is unchanged from begining to end.

Again, the game is enjoyable but far from amazing.

"You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney"

RE4 ain't a true survival horror in my book. It's to action based, a line which dead space treads better, for me any way. Both are great games though.


It's on my maybe list. I WILL pick it up, there are just a few other game I want to pick up first.

4 ≈ One

Me too. I didn´t think much of it at first and now I hear from a lot of people saying the game is really good.

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el_rika said:
How can you guys even compare it to Bioshok and especially RE4 is beyond me.
Sure, it is one of the better survival horrors released lately but the story is completely uninteresting, cliche and poorly delivered while the gameplay feels like a poor man's RE4, with cluncky controls, average animations and mediocre enemy design. I'm not even talking about how painfully repetitive the game is, you basically do the exact same thing for 10 hours as the game's scale and scope is unchanged from begining to end.

Again, the game is enjoyable but far from amazing.


I think you and I played different games. I played an immersive thriller with the RE4 playstyle, yet it still managed to be scary and innovative. The only complaint I had were the bosses, which weren't very good, admittedly. I'm not saying it's as good as RE4, or Bioshock, but it's definitely the best game in the genre since RE4, and the most immersive since Bioshock. Easily a gem of this generation.

Add something equivelant to the excellent merc missions from RE4 as an endgame, and we'll talk about a 10/10.

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