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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nielsen numbers - Blu Ray : DVD = 12% : 88% for the week ending 26th October, 2008

lwhatee said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
You guys do realize that as BR hardware becomes more popular, choices will present themselves, and it will reduce the number of PS3s bought as BR players, right?

I think DVD still has another good year left before it is consistently outpaced, and BR players become affordable to the mainstream..

No one is buying PS3s as Blu Ray players.

that thing is floored by MS and XBOX FANBOYS

over 5m standalone Blu ray players have been sold worldwide

In the same way i can also say that some people are buying x360 as DVD players since all x360 games so far disappointed unlike MGS4 and LBP on PS3

like i said DVD will be finished very soon in Japan

On december 6th 2008 we will see DVD era end before our eyes in US

Digital distribution will never take off. It will make up <1% of sales even after 10 years


Let me guess you are absolutely in love with Sony.  Correct?


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lwhatee said:
tedsteriscool said:
I just read that in Japan Blu-Ray makes up 30% of the market! Ill get a link and post it later.

U read it wrong

in Japan Blu ray HW sales is outpacing DVD HW sales by 30%

in JAPAN DVD is done


BTW Digital distribution make up for just 0.5% of total weekly movie sales

DD will never take off. It is just a niche thing

No - YOU read it wrong:

 - Moreover, those shipments accounted for 31% of "overall shipments of DVD equipment on a volume basis."

So, 31% of the SHIPMENT of "DVD equipment" supported BluRay.

I know that most new PC DVD drives are BluRay compatible (I almost bought one the other week) - and these will probably be included in the figures.

It makes perfect sense that as cost comes down, BluRay will start to replace DVD - as the discs simply hold more data (and these drives are backwards compatible).


And where did you pull this "0.5%" figure from? Which services does it include? AppleTV? Nexflix? 360? Tivo? I can't even imagine how someone could track DD sales - especially across 10-20 competing services?

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Staude said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
lwhatee said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
You guys do realize that as BR hardware becomes more popular, choices will present themselves, and it will reduce the number of PS3s bought as BR players, right?

I think DVD still has another good year left before it is consistently outpaced, and BR players become affordable to the mainstream..

No one is buying PS3s as Blu Ray players.

that thing is floored by MS and XBOX FANBOYS

over 5m standalone Blu ray players have been sold worldwide


I was just going by the Pachter anecdote where he said they were giving away PS3s as BR players, with new HDTVs at, I think he said, Circuit City.

I know at least some people are buying PS3s as BR players, because I exist.

As for caring about PS3s bought as BR players, I'm sure that Sony fanboys would care a lot, if PS3 sales dipped at all.

5m non PS3 BR players have been sold worldwide, and 16 million PS3s, yet BR makes up 12 percent of the home video market? We know one thing, PS3 owners are a the vast majority of the BR market worldwide, and without the PS3, BR would probably be struggling.

Keep calling me a fanboy and I'll bring up your comments from the Fable 2 thread again. What I'm saying has nothing to do with the Xbox 360, and more to do with obviousness.


Without the ps3, HD-dvd would most likely have won.

But therefore the ps3 is still a great gaming machine.

lol, yes the PS3 is a great gaming machine. No, having BR doesn't prove it.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


tuoyo said:
lwhatee said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
You guys do realize that as BR hardware becomes more popular, choices will present themselves, and it will reduce the number of PS3s bought as BR players, right?

I think DVD still has another good year left before it is consistently outpaced, and BR players become affordable to the mainstream..

No one is buying PS3s as Blu Ray players.

that thing is floored by MS and XBOX FANBOYS

over 5m standalone Blu ray players have been sold worldwide

In the same way i can also say that some people are buying x360 as DVD players since all x360 games so far disappointed unlike MGS4 and LBP on PS3

like i said DVD will be finished very soon in Japan

On december 6th 2008 we will see DVD era end before our eyes in US

Digital distribution will never take off. It will make up <1% of sales even after 10 years


Let me guess you are absolutely in love with Sony.  Correct?



You should see the stuff this guy wrote about Fable 2, a few days ago. Pure hate-speech and trolling. Said it's only sell 600k copies worldwide, and that it wouldnt' sell at all in Europe, because LBP would steal its shine.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


if the ps3 didn't have a Blu-ray Drive it would've been in a much better position because the lunch price would've been lower

Around the Network

The DVD market in the United States is huge, so ~10% of the market for Blu-Ray at this point is great. Of course standalone Blu-Ray player sales have tripled and the PS3 will find its way into many new homes this holiday season (as will HDTVs), holiday season 2009 Blu-Ray's market share may well be multiple times of what it is now.

Digital distribution of course has a future as well, IMO it can't replace Blu-Ray's role in the market for a very long time to go and hopefully never fully replace disc media people can buy at the stores. Looking at myself, I would be interested to buy certain TV series online but top high quality movies like Lord of the Rings or Ice Age I want to own on Blu-Ray.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

blackstar said:
if the ps3 didn't have a Blu-ray Drive it would've been in a much better position because the lunch price would've been lower

For the short term the PS3 would surely have had a larger install base, but for the long term it would have meant a big technical and user sacrifice. I think the long term outlook would have been far worse and a PS4 would have been needed far quicker.

Remember Sony would like to see people upgrade to HDTVs, 7.1 capable audio setups, watching and playing top quality games and movies (a Wii-like product would totally go against such aims). If they did not invest into the PS3 with the Cell processor and Blu-Ray there would be even less to distiguish the product from the 360, a platform which shares the bulk of multi-platform games already. Sony is now able to distinguish itself with PS3 exclusives making better and better use of Blu-Ray and Cell related advantages. It will probably provide Sony the oppertunity to build up a considerable edge, earning the reputation of providing an unrivalled sturdy multi-media and games experience driving the market forward.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales