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Forums - Sony Discussion - reviews Resistance 2.

WiiStation360 said:
I think the scores that 1UP gave Resistance2 was fine. The translations that Metacritic does for a percentage score are a bit flawed.

Here is the score translation from 1UP to Metacritic, and recent games that received these scores. Is most cases for game that got a B or below, these scores are the absolute lowest for the games on Metacritic. An average game is a C/C+ for 1UP. That translates to a horrible game in Metacritic. (50-58%)

My advise is to read the 1UP review and score, and to ignore the Metacritic score translation.

A+ = 100 (LBP)
A = 100 (Fable 2, Fallout 3, Bioshock)
A- = 91 (GH:WT)
B+ = 83% (Resistance 2, Far Cry 2)
B = 75% (Midnight Club LA)
B- = 67% (Sam & Max Wii)
C+ = 58% (Spider Man Web of Shadows)
C= 50% (Crash Bandicoot: Mind of Mutant)
C- = 42% (Blitz II: The League)
D+ = 33% (War World)
D = 25% (Golden Axe:Beast Rider)
D- = 13%(Monster Madness: Grave Danger)
F = 0% (Vampire Rain: Altered Species)

... so an A = A+?....


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bbsin said:
WiiStation360 said:
I think the scores that 1UP gave Resistance2 was fine. The translations that Metacritic does for a percentage score are a bit flawed.

Here is the score translation from 1UP to Metacritic, and recent games that received these scores. Is most cases for game that got a B or below, these scores are the absolute lowest for the games on Metacritic. An average game is a C/C+ for 1UP. That translates to a horrible game in Metacritic. (50-58%)

My advise is to read the 1UP review and score, and to ignore the Metacritic score translation.

A+ = 100 (LBP)
A = 100 (Fable 2, Fallout 3, Bioshock)
A- = 91 (GH:WT)
B+ = 83% (Resistance 2, Far Cry 2)
B = 75% (Midnight Club LA)
B- = 67% (Sam & Max Wii)
C+ = 58% (Spider Man Web of Shadows)
C= 50% (Crash Bandicoot: Mind of Mutant)
C- = 42% (Blitz II: The League)
D+ = 33% (War World)
D = 25% (Golden Axe:Beast Rider)
D- = 13%(Monster Madness: Grave Danger)
F = 0% (Vampire Rain: Altered Species)

... so an A = A+?....


For Metacritic, yes it does.



WiiStation360 said:
bbsin said:
WiiStation360 said:
I think the scores that 1UP gave Resistance2 was fine. The translations that Metacritic does for a percentage score are a bit flawed.

Here is the score translation from 1UP to Metacritic, and recent games that received these scores. Is most cases for game that got a B or below, these scores are the absolute lowest for the games on Metacritic. An average game is a C/C+ for 1UP. That translates to a horrible game in Metacritic. (50-58%)

My advise is to read the 1UP review and score, and to ignore the Metacritic score translation.

A+ = 100 (LBP)
A = 100 (Fable 2, Fallout 3, Bioshock)
A- = 91 (GH:WT)
B+ = 83% (Resistance 2, Far Cry 2)
B = 75% (Midnight Club LA)
B- = 67% (Sam & Max Wii)
C+ = 58% (Spider Man Web of Shadows)
C= 50% (Crash Bandicoot: Mind of Mutant)
C- = 42% (Blitz II: The League)
D+ = 33% (War World)
D = 25% (Golden Axe:Beast Rider)
D- = 13%(Monster Madness: Grave Danger)
F = 0% (Vampire Rain: Altered Species)

... so an A = A+?....


For Metacritic, yes it does.



well...ok then, I guess that's the last time I'll ever use metacritic.


Very good score. 8 or 9 out of 10 is very good.

The 1up review was positive, but their scale needs some work.  It seems like R2 is a 88 - 92 type of game.  Also, I am surprised that they gave Motor Storm 2 an A-.

This is a pretty good in-game picture.  There are more posted here.  The thread warns of spoilers.


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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To answer the most basic question how could a game get a lower score though it exceeds its direct predecessor the answer is quite simple. Reviewer view the environment as a whole. When they review the new title they also have in mind all the titles that have arrived with their improvements during the hiatus.

Lets look at it like this when the reviewer scores Resistance 2 the only thing in their mind isn't just Resistance 1. They also have Bioshock, Halo3, and The Orange Box in their minds. Bioshock brought a lot of combat ingenuity to the genre. Halo 3 brought a plethora of new features to the genre such as the forge, and the theater. The Orange Box brought massive bulk to the field. All of these titles have expanded the definition of quality, and if Resistance 2 cannot match the expansion its score suffers.

You cannot satisfy yourself with being better then the original. You must be better then everyone else as well. Yes it is fair, because they want to advise the consumer properly as to where this game fits in reference to everything else in the genre. I honestly do not understand the complaints that is a very good score. Just not the knocked your teeth out, and tea bagged you score some were hoping for.

not bad but it could be better and i think it should be better. oh well.



nice score. Was hoping for something a little higher though but still pretty good.

4 ≈ One

Paul_Warren said:

"Yes. An alien shooter vs something that hasn't been done before? I would have thought the answer would be obvious."

Yes, it should be obvious especially when one of the games is one of the very best alien shooters on the market and the thing that hasn't been done before is video game ga ga.


Aliens are the new Nazis, confirmed!

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


ZenfoldorVGI said:
Euphoria14 said:


I am not expecting a perfect score either. I think an 85 is a great score. It is just that in terms of FPS right now, what offers more, specially multiplayer wise than R2 is offering?

Some may be making assumptions of 1UP, I personally do not care, I just see it in a different way so of course opinions are going to be different. They loved LBP, so I have no beef with them.


Lots of games offer multiplayer. I think the problem here is the bullet points about the game are so deeply engrained in the fans psyche at this point, that you've forgotten the game is judged based on fun, and not feature

R2 scaled with them. You can't give a game a perfect score just because you gave the first inferior game a really good score. You have to check all the variables.

The best words iv read on VG Charts,Do you mind if i put them in my Sig??