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Forums - Sony Discussion - reviews Resistance 2.

B+ (or as metacritic would put it, 83/100)

"An extremely well-assembled FPS overall, with an improved campaign, fun competitive multiplayer, and a damn neat take on co-op."


"That's the main disappointment, if any, behind Resistance 2. It's a clear "we're improving upon our predecessor" type of title, and it succeeds on that front. If you're really picky, you can quibble about certain aspects -- not as many cool visual effects as you'd hope for in a modern shooter (depth-of-field, motion blur, etc.) or occasional slowdown (mostly when respawning after an active firefight), to name two. But, overall, Resistance 2 is an extremely well-assembled FPS, with an improved campaign, fun competitive multiplayer, and a damn neat take on co-op. I wouldn't go as far as to say this is the definitive PS3 game, but it's certainly one of the best PS3 exclusives I've played. Plus, I gotta give props to a game that loves giant monsters as much as I do."


Can't really say if I agree or disagree with him being that I've yet to play it, but the words and final score just doesn't match up. Shouldn't a game that's better than the previous installment in every single aspect atleast match or get a higher score than it?

Eitherway, I always thought motion blur would have been awesome with resistance. Since R2 draws some comparison to cloverfield, it could have benefited from a more "amatuer/shaky" camera view.

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So 1UP score is 85, not bad.

Not bad, I'm still buying it though. I played some of the beta today and it was great!

Had I not actually seen the score, I would've assumed it was an A or A- based on what they had written. It's a very positive review.

Ehh, I don't care for 1UP after they gave Wii Music a 9.0.

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The review was certainly positive. B+ is a great score as well. No hating on that.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


"As for the new toys, I particularly like the FarEye (a Chimeran assault rifle that blurts out a three-bullet statement and also fires a weird lightning-ball thing)"

What?  lol

great score :D

Kinda low but given these are the people that very complaining about Killzone2 graphics when it was first show and were praising Halo3.

I guess its really good.

This is the second review that complained about the lack of narration. I seem to recall everyone hating the narrator in the RFOM. It's been a while since I've received a grade, but I thought a B+ was in the 88-90 range?

Thanks for the input, Jeff.