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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is Gran Turismo a big system selling franchise?

Really depends how many consoles are already sold before it comes out. The more PS3s already sold the smaller the impact. I for one thing that GT5P also reduced the impact. People that bought a PS3 for GT5P wont buy another one for GT5.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

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sh7272 said:
If GT5 will be realesed in 2010 it will be too late. Until then PS3 doesnt have any console sellers so thats going to be very hard.

It appears that Killzone 2, God of War 3, Heavy Rain and MAG don't exist. Wow.

And it's pretty much confirmed for 2009, you heard the man, 'It's coming earlier than expected'.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Reject said:
But surely games released a few years after a console still moves systems, FFXIII will be huge for PS3 in Japan and that releases next year, that alone would negate any steps forward the 360 has made in Japan....or I am over exaggerating the popularity of FF?


Let's put this in perspective. Tales of Vesperia (A major iteration in an established JRPG series from Namco) moved about 24,700 Xbox 360's in Japan the week it launched. Infinite Undiscovery (An unestablished new IP from Square Enix) sold 28,700 Xbox 360's in Japan the week it launched. Mind you that some of the increase is due to the price-cut as well as the replenished stock after Tales of Vesperia's week, but the point is that Square Enix is like a religion in Japan. Even a new IP from the company sells about as much as an established franchise from another company. Now imagine if it was a major iteration of the Final Fantasy series, which is practically a religion on its own. Basically, expect PS3 to outsell the Wii for quite a few weeks when Final Fantasy XIII launches in Japan and don't expect 360 to overtake it in weekly sales again until it gets an exclusive Dragon Quest game.




sh7272 said:

    If GT5 will be realesed in 2010 it will be too late. Until then PS3 doesnt have any console sellers so thats going to be very hard.




If you bothered to read the entire topic, you'd have noticed that it was just said two days ago that Gran Turismo 5's development was moving along quicker than expected and that it would be released in 2009. Also, saying that PS3 doesn't have any console sellers outside of Gran Turismo 5 is laughable. Unless, of course, your definition of a console seller is +500,000 systems sold due to the release of the game. However, if that's the case, then you must think that 360 doesn't have ANY system sellers left.




kowenicki said:

    won't gt5 fans already have a ps3 for gt prologue? just asking... i would imagine lots will.




Mostly hardcore Gran Turismo fans bought Prologue. Most casual fans of the series, the huge majority, will wait until the full release.

Gran Turismo? Sure.

LBP, on the other hand, is going to flop everywhere except in US.

Yes, since so many people buy that game every time a sequal comes out. But I haven't been paying much attention to Gran Turismo since the PS1 personally. But then again I haven't played it since PS1. I need to start playing that series again, and see what's up.

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GT is gonna be huge in Europe but i don't really see it selling too many system in NA and just a moderate temporary increase in Japan.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

It is.

Boycotting the following:

1. Yoshi: He ate my car and spit out a toaster.

2. Igglybuff: Totally false advertisement. You can have as many as you like they don't buff nothing.

3. the Terms Hardcore/Softcore... We're talking Video Games. Not Porn.

4. The term Casual as relates to Gamers: We make them sound like outsider's that happen to play games.  If that were the case they'd own a PS3.

5. Donuts.... Beacause I drink Beer...... and the biggest fan of Donuts hates Beer.

6. Boycotts: Their so lame.



GT is to PlayStation what Daytona USA was to arcades....

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

johnsobas said:
GT is gonna be huge in Europe but i don't really see it selling too many system in NA and just a moderate temporary increase in Japan.

What the hell is wrong with some of you on here.

GT3 sold more in NA then any HALO game, try to wrap your mind around that little fact.


It was bundled or why the huge difference between it and the others?