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Forums - Sales Discussion - None of these companys are your friend. Stop acting like it.

WiiStation360 said:


> None of these companies are your friend.

I am sorry, but I do have to disagree with the OP. 

When I got my Wii, Nintendo gave me a friend code.  That is right, a FRIEND code.  What do you think that means?  They do not give them out to everyone.  Only people who are very special to them get these codes signifying friendship.  Are you just jealous because you did not get one yourself?



This may be the single greatest reply I have ever had the honor ro witness.  Thank you, WiiStation360.  As of right now, you are the man.

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Dinomax manages to troll countless users on this site with his thread, and he doesn't get banned? I'm asking a serious question here, because I've seen countless people banned for one flaming response to one user. He's already made at least two troll posts which are directed at probably more than half the users on this site (and created a topic for this sole purpose).

Well, what's even more surprising is that he even took the time to make this thread...

Well besides that, I don't have anything in particular that I feel like adding to this junk thread, it'd just be a waste of effort.

i'm sorry you guys didn't noticed early

they love your money, not you.

What are you talking about?

Yoshi tucked me in every night for 6 years!

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

This is actually kinda fun. Lots of people saying some things proudly, whereas if they had said it to someone in real life, they are likely to have been embarassed as heck.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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SMcc1887 said:
Ronster316 said:

Sega and Nintendo, the only 2 TRUE gaming hardware and software LEGENDS.................. Bottom line__________________________

Gaming was PURE.......... then sony came along with thier big fat wallets boooooooooooooo hissssssssssssssssssssssss heckleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I have no respect for Ken "thief" Kutagari whatsoever

Yu Suzuki is a LEGEND (Shenmue, Virtua fighter and way back in the day Hang-on are just 3 of the great franchises that were born thanx to the genius of this man)

On topic of course none of them are our friends, But gaming used to be a far friendlier place (Until the "corporations" arrived)


Don't Slabber about Ken. If it wasn't for him gaming would not be the same. The market would be like 90% casual and there would be a far crappier catalogue of Games as Playstation created most of the big franchises. Also i think you'll find Sony wanted to work with Nintendo in making a console but Nintendo stabbed Sony in the back and so Sony made their own and created the most popular gaming brand. The man was also a genious as he designed CPU's etc. Have some respect, Sony has changed gaming the most and even the likes of you should recognise that. Watch the History of The Playstation on Youtube and you'll see. And If you h8 Sony that much are you telling me you h8 Spiderman movies, Walkmans, Sony Ericssons, Sony laptops, handycams etc. Wise up.


 Whats that? Sony created most of the big franchises? Oh, its funny you say that because im sure that most of sonys big sellers back in the day were made by OTHER companys, not sony.......... tekken (namco) Metal gear solid (konami) and resident evil (capcom) are 3 examples of games that made the playstation brand ALLEGEDLY cool yet not one of them were made by sony themselves............ As for Ken kutagari? Do you even know what inspired him to go to nintendo and steal thier hardware and software knowledge? He saw his daughter playing a mario game one day and thats what fuelled his interest in videogaming, and you say nintendo broke the deal? absolute rubbish........... It was sony and thier DIVA demands (despite been the company hired and not the company hiring) that caused the break up, who the hell are sony to tell nintendo that they wanted the rights and control over the product name? By all means sing kens praises but for me he will never be anything more than a petty crook.

sony erricsons? ha ha ha , yeah, another form of electronic entertainment that sony joined once they saw how successful nokia were in the mobile/cell phone world, sony laptops? no thanx, Spiderman yes, i have watched and enjoyed the spiderman films that i rented (Hence never lined sonys pockets) and i had a walkman because that was around before sony came in to the gaming world and bullied thier way to the top with thier fat cheques.

Wise up? I wised up to sonys bully tactics many years ago.

Ronster316 said:
SMcc1887 said:
Ronster316 said:

Sega and Nintendo, the only 2 TRUE gaming hardware and software LEGENDS.................. Bottom line__________________________

Gaming was PURE.......... then sony came along with thier big fat wallets boooooooooooooo hissssssssssssssssssssssss heckleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I have no respect for Ken "thief" Kutagari whatsoever

Yu Suzuki is a LEGEND (Shenmue, Virtua fighter and way back in the day Hang-on are just 3 of the great franchises that were born thanx to the genius of this man)

On topic of course none of them are our friends, But gaming used to be a far friendlier place (Until the "corporations" arrived)


Don't Slabber about Ken. If it wasn't for him gaming would not be the same. The market would be like 90% casual and there would be a far crappier catalogue of Games as Playstation created most of the big franchises. Also i think you'll find Sony wanted to work with Nintendo in making a console but Nintendo stabbed Sony in the back and so Sony made their own and created the most popular gaming brand. The man was also a genious as he designed CPU's etc. Have some respect, Sony has changed gaming the most and even the likes of you should recognise that. Watch the History of The Playstation on Youtube and you'll see. And If you h8 Sony that much are you telling me you h8 Spiderman movies, Walkmans, Sony Ericssons, Sony laptops, handycams etc. Wise up.


 Whats that? Sony created most of the big franchises? Oh, its funny you say that because im sure that most of sonys big sellers back in the day were made by OTHER companys, not sony.......... tekken (namco) Metal gear solid (konami) and resident evil (capcom) are 3 examples of games that made the playstation brand ALLEGEDLY cool yet not one of them were made by sony themselves............ As for Ken kutagari? Do you even know what inspired him to go to nintendo and steal thier hardware and software knowledge? He saw his daughter playing a mario game one day and thats what fuelled his interest in videogaming, and you say nintendo broke the deal? absolute rubbish........... It was sony and thier DIVA demands (despite been the company hired and not the company hiring) that caused the break up, who the hell are sony to tell nintendo that they wanted the rights and control over the product name? By all means sing kens praises but for me he will never be anything more than a petty crook.

sony erricsons? ha ha ha , yeah, another form of electronic entertainment that sony joined once they saw how successful nokia were in the mobile/cell phone world, sony laptops? no thanx, Spiderman yes, i have watched and enjoyed the spiderman films that i rented (Hence never lined sonys pockets) and i had a walkman because that was around before sony came in to the gaming world and bullied thier way to the top with thier fat cheques.

Wise up? I wised up to sonys bully tactics many years ago.


 Seriously Dude, are you a fanboy or something? I mean i know a few major Nintendo/M$ fanboys and even they can admit that Sony has changed the way we game today. BTW, It was Nintendo that broke the deal Between Sony, they even admit it( they went to Phillips instead) so Sony taught Nintendo a gaming lesson by mostly creating a new format ( disc) and advertising gaming to the max. They made PS such a sucess that It took gaming to the next level and it showed all them companies that there was serious money to be made of of gaming. As for Ken, he was practically a genius in them days. Yes he may have seen his daughter play mario, but then he decided to take gaming to the next level, using new technology etc.

SMcc1887 said:
Ronster316 said:
SMcc1887 said:
Ronster316 said:

Sega and Nintendo, the only 2 TRUE gaming hardware and software LEGENDS.................. Bottom line__________________________

Gaming was PURE.......... then sony came along with thier big fat wallets boooooooooooooo hissssssssssssssssssssssss heckleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I have no respect for Ken "thief" Kutagari whatsoever

Yu Suzuki is a LEGEND (Shenmue, Virtua fighter and way back in the day Hang-on are just 3 of the great franchises that were born thanx to the genius of this man)

On topic of course none of them are our friends, But gaming used to be a far friendlier place (Until the "corporations" arrived)


Don't Slabber about Ken. If it wasn't for him gaming would not be the same. The market would be like 90% casual and there would be a far crappier catalogue of Games as Playstation created most of the big franchises. Also i think you'll find Sony wanted to work with Nintendo in making a console but Nintendo stabbed Sony in the back and so Sony made their own and created the most popular gaming brand. The man was also a genious as he designed CPU's etc. Have some respect, Sony has changed gaming the most and even the likes of you should recognise that. Watch the History of The Playstation on Youtube and you'll see. And If you h8 Sony that much are you telling me you h8 Spiderman movies, Walkmans, Sony Ericssons, Sony laptops, handycams etc. Wise up.


 Whats that? Sony created most of the big franchises? Oh, its funny you say that because im sure that most of sonys big sellers back in the day were made by OTHER companys, not sony.......... tekken (namco) Metal gear solid (konami) and resident evil (capcom) are 3 examples of games that made the playstation brand ALLEGEDLY cool yet not one of them were made by sony themselves............ As for Ken kutagari? Do you even know what inspired him to go to nintendo and steal thier hardware and software knowledge? He saw his daughter playing a mario game one day and thats what fuelled his interest in videogaming, and you say nintendo broke the deal? absolute rubbish........... It was sony and thier DIVA demands (despite been the company hired and not the company hiring) that caused the break up, who the hell are sony to tell nintendo that they wanted the rights and control over the product name? By all means sing kens praises but for me he will never be anything more than a petty crook.

sony erricsons? ha ha ha , yeah, another form of electronic entertainment that sony joined once they saw how successful nokia were in the mobile/cell phone world, sony laptops? no thanx, Spiderman yes, i have watched and enjoyed the spiderman films that i rented (Hence never lined sonys pockets) and i had a walkman because that was around before sony came in to the gaming world and bullied thier way to the top with thier fat cheques.

Wise up? I wised up to sonys bully tactics many years ago.


 Seriously Dude, are you a fanboy or something? I mean i know a few major Nintendo/M$ fanboys and even they can admit that Sony has changed the way we game today. BTW, It was Nintendo that broke the deal Between Sony, they even admit it( they went to Phillips instead) so Sony taught Nintendo a gaming lesson by mostly creating a new format ( disc) and advertising gaming to the max. They made PS such a sucess that It took gaming to the next level and it showed all them companies that there was serious money to be made of of gaming. As for Ken, he was practically a genius in them days. Yes he may have seen his daughter play mario, but then he decided to take gaming to the next level, using new technology etc.

This debate about who is to blame is seen in diffrent ways by many diffrent people, you have your take on it and i have my take on it, Sony made demands that they had no right to make , It was nintendo who hired sony and then sony been the cry babys that they are bailed out once they did not get what they want in terms of naming rights, But sony didn't give a toss about the deal been broken anyway , Afterall........ They got what they needed, Hardware and software knowledge thanx to Ken " thief" Kutagari

And you say sony changed gaming? The CD revolution was already underway thanx to the Sega saturn and 3D gaming was already becoming popular way before sony joined the party thanx to games like Virtua fighter and Wolfenstien 3D

So i stand by what i said , i will never give sony or ken any credit for thier "SO CALLED" contribution to the gaming world....... (Bunch of thieves)


Gaming LEGENDS.......... Sega, Nintendo, Capcom, Konami, Tecmo, Square, E.P.I.C., EA, Rockstar, Activision, THQ ect

Gaming THIEVES.................. Sony


My parents met Bill Gates when he was only the richest man in America. It was for a launch party of something to do with Windows. They mentioned how he was the only normal guy there, as if you weren't into computers all the Microsoft people (except him) wouldn't talk to you. This was in the late 80's or something.

I met Warren Buffet and had dinner with him when he was the second richest man in the world. He seems like a genuinely nice guy and very down to earth. I feel very comfortable with trusting him with my money (which I do).

I love my Wii.... and Nintendo.
Wii Had sex last night... it was so good, thin short and preety.
Not like that ugly fat bitch PS3 and the Yeast infested Xbox with it's Red ring of death.