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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony to raise price of PS3? Swedish retailer says so.

I think it might already have happend I have seen that some stores in Sweden have raised the price with 20-25$. The problem here is that the price changes all the time Euro gets stronger or the SEK gets stronger . So we have not one price like USA with 399$.

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i think i already read it somewhere it already happen in several area/region. i think it is currency related

I regularly shop at Webhallen, and they're pretty credible. I wouldn't be surprised if this was legit, because most gaming stores in Sweden are handled by dicks. So given that they're being complete assholes to both PS3 and Wii-owners, it doesn't sound all that fake.

Bash Wii, bash PS3, expect to be credible. Sure.

Sony isn't that stupid.

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I can't find anything like this anywhere but I guess it's not a big surprise as it's apparently a newsletter. Still, sounds more than a little suspicious as an important retailer wouldn't use such words nor would Sony raise the price without a very good reason and preferably high sales as well.

Anyway, Webhallen was the one to reveal the MGS4 Limited Edition for Europe and before that something else not-so-small (can't remember what it was though). If this newsletter is real, it could have some credibility.

As I said, I wouldn't put it past them. They regularly bash the Wii, and occasionally bash the PS3. Nowadays, professionalism is dead.

price add? lol

No way in hell would this happen.

Where does Sony manufacture the PS3? If in Japan Sony really could be forced to raise the price in Europe because the Yen rose a lot in recent weeks...