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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Beatles set to appear in Rock Band

Ail said:
No biggy.
I just don't want people misled into buying Rockband because they think they are going to get Beatles DLC ( which a few people in this thread seem to think).

It's okay, I added your article to the OP so more people see it. Still, I hope nobody believed that they should buy RB for the Beatles song, I knew for the beginning that it was gonna be a separated game (though I was expecting a RB: Beatles, much like GH: Aerosmith instead)


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Sorry but if this doesn't offer compatibility with Harmonix's "music platform" I'll be skipping this. Just like GH: Aerosmith was a stupid idea so is this. I understand that a group as big as the Beatles means having to support them with more than just a DLC pack but I felt a release similar to the way they are going about AC/DC would have been better. I know Beatles fans will be stoked about the news but I just don't like these single band releases no matter who they are.

Oh well such is life...

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

What? A separate game?

Bah. Paul and Ringo, you suck. I'm glad I had this image made up just for situations such as this:

Or check out my new webcomic:

This game will sell through the roof. This may also help MTV/EA/Harmonix build their brand name to be bigger than Guitar Hero. Just put "From the makers of Rock Band" on the cover and they're set.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


the beatles kick ass

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IGN celebrated the announcement with the songs they want to see in the game, it's a good read (mostly for the references they do to the songs), but I still can't believe how they left out Here Comes the Sun