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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Obama ad: Stop playing the wii, start voting

Bonafide732 said:
Darc Requiem said:

I already cast my absentee ballot, so I don't have to put down my Wii mote to vote. I never thought Obama would win Virginia but its looking like it might actually happen.


 i hope he does win virginia people there need to seriously smarten up.. people there just accept things as is and as they were .. well that doestn work anymore ..

According to the polls Obama should win the election handily but I'll believe it when I see it. I lost faith in the general public after it elected Bush not once but twice. I mean it was obvious that the guy was a idiot the first time. If you didn't understand that in 2000 then the four years hence proved it, yet he still was re-elected.


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Naum said:
umm? you wote on a workday?? no wonder millions and millions don't vote

Voting on a Tuesday has been in place for a very long time. Sit down and I'll tell you all about it!

Back in the day, everyone voted at the county or state courthouse. Of course, it couldn't be Saturday or Monday because the traveling involved (a day would be given to travel to and from the polling location) would interfere with church. So they made it a Tuesday for ample time to travel.

The tradition has been kept to this day.

The more you know *rainbow appears*


Till three years ago would be a PS controller.






Well , it seems Obama is aware of the Wii as McCain is aware of the internets. Still Wii+Obama=CHANGE!

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


Nov 4th election day stop everthing and go vote Obama/Biden, make history, change the world for the better. Obama 08....

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VonShigsy said:

Well , it seems Obama is aware of the Wii as McCain is aware of the internets. Still Wii+Obama=CHANGE!

ZOMG!  It's Shigsy!  We have a Shigsy spotting!

It's not even an Obama official ad. There is no "I'm Barack Obama and I approved this message" usually put for idiots that did not understand by watching the ad.

I really don't understand why there are so much advertisement for the presidential election. I'm not even leaving in America and I'm sick of seeing advertisement everywhere (from both parties).

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Godot said:
It's not even an Obama official ad. There is no "I'm Barack Obama and I approved this message" usually put for idiots that did not understand by watching the ad.

I really don't understand why there are so much advertisement for the presidential election. I'm not even leaving in America and I'm sick of seeing advertisement everywhere (from both parties).

Because elections can be so close that every vote can be crucial. Even though this election will be a likely landslide by electoral vote because Obama will win many of the biggest states, the voting percentage will be close, probably about 7 or 8% at most unless something dramatic happens in the next few days. So in order to win, politicians really need to advertise and put themself out there.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

It is an Obama official ad, watch it again very carefully... ya can't miss it....

obama is clearly ignoring the hardcore gamer vote, were is 360 or PS3? lol

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434