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starcraft said:
Kantor said:
starcraft said:
Kantor said:
Are you joking here?


I'm a little surprised after your 'Editorial: PS3 Could Be Sony's Last Console' thread.

Well it's good you finally came to your senses

You realize I didnt write that right?


You posted it and didn't comment on it, which implied you agreed with it.

You didn't agree with it, did you?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Around the Network

I'm sad too.

I broke a tear from reading the OP...

4 ≈ One

joshin69 said:
ZenfoldorVGI, I would say Sony are holding out against MS making this cycle much shorter than it should be. With the dodgy hardware and the 360 at an exit price i would guess that the nextbox will be out end 09 mid 2010. That's close to half the time Sony had hoped to have the PS3 on the market before the next cycle.
Starcraft, you are a card, lol. now go and get your friend the 360 like you were planning.


My friend is a Playstation stalwart.

He has owned the PS1, Ps2 and will soon own a PS3, whether I get it for him or he gets it himself.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Kantor said:
starcraft said:
Kantor said:
starcraft said:
Kantor said:
Are you joking here?


I'm a little surprised after your 'Editorial: PS3 Could Be Sony's Last Console' thread.

Well it's good you finally came to your senses

You realize I didnt write that right?

You posted it and didn't comment on it, which implied you agreed with it.

You didn't agree with it, did you?

No, I didnt pass comment.

Personally I think there are for more legitimate reasons to argue than the crap that guy came up with.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Million said:
@Zen I completley disagree I don't think Sony ommited to act as they saw their most significant I.P's slip threw their hands , it's my belief that there was Simply nothing they could do . What 3rd party developer would stay loyal purely on the potential userbase of a single console ? What 3rd Party developer would stay loyal purely because of a consoles performance last gen ?.


I'm saying they should have paid them, my dear Million. Paid them those oh so hard earned temporary short term Microsoft. Cut Killzone 2, if you have to. There is all the money you need to secure GTA and FF as exclusives for at least a year each. Then, it's still related to your console. Square-Enix is obviously open to temporary exclusivity. They've given Sony Verses, probably for free, just so people don't realize the moneyhat MS laid in front of them. Verses, along with Star Ocean, will likely be a timed exclusive, as I'm sure you know, but probably wouldn't admit. Like you said, nobody is giving exclusivity away for free. This isn't the PS2 era. Sony doesn't have the money or the marketing position to levy for free exclusivity, they might never have it again.

Either way, there is no argument about the price cut. It's directly related to coasting. "It could give us a competitive advantage, but our first duty is to this quarters earnings report, not the console war, or competing, or anything. Despite this being the ideal time to cut our price and overtake the 360 easily, we give them breathing room."

Read the quote again. The one I posted from the Sony exec, and tell me they are putting competition ahead of short term profits.

The very definition of coasting is: Putting short term profits ahead of competition.


why would they cut a triple-A first party title only to justify exlusivity for another?


that's stupid. they still got gta. they're still getting final fantasy. why do you need to cut a whole big ass game just to make sure the competition doesn't get them too?


bottom line is, if they could buy exclusivity fine. no problem. but if they don't have the money, cancelling other big projects just for exclusivity is stupid.

bugrimmar said:


why would they cut a triple-A first party title only to justify exlusivity for another?


that's stupid. they still got gta. they're still getting final fantasy. why do you need to cut a whole big ass game just to make sure the competition doesn't get them too?


bottom line is, if they could buy exclusivity fine. no problem. but if they don't have the money, cancelling other big projects just for exclusivity is stupid.


Because it's not about pleasing the gamer. It's business. That AAA title would please PS3 owners, and maybe convince a few to join the game. That exclusivity for GTA would convince a million people to buy a PS3 instead of a 360.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


You will be at the top of my list of people to buy a PS3 for if I win the lottery!

i have all three consoles right now and am swamped with games to play. heck, even with one console there's too much to play this holiday season.

i say if it's a gift then get it for him whatever the cost might be since it sounds like he helped you out and he'd really appreciate it. play the games that you have for your current consoles then pick it up once the price drops.

even if sony didn't lose so much money, they probably wouldn't have dropped the price till late next year anyway.

damn 700euro???

see this is where all those N fans are wrong in saying price doesn't matter. Price most certainly does.
Too bad man, maybe you can buy one and share it.