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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto reactions to bad Reviews on Wii Music

shams said:
The "red flag" for me, was when Matt said EARLY ON he was going to pan WiiMusic, and give it a bad score - because he hates the game.

Miyamoto loves WiiMusic - he is playing it non-stop. Enough said there.


Ding ding ding ding ding

We have a winner, folks.

Miyamoto views the whole thing about like I do, or about like Penny Arcade might.

Wow there's one of these for pretty much every situation, isn't there?

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ClaudeLv250 said:

I don't know how to make a douche but...thanks for that bit of advice anyway.

Matt's opinion is invalid because he was bragging about wanting to slam Wii Music months before thegame was released.

Oh, it's not hard to make a douche. Just go into your bathroom, turn on the shower tap, and call it by its French name.  Voila, instant douche!

Silliness aside, it's quite true that Matt's bias was clearly known some time before he even began his review. As I said before, that he was allowed to do the review in spite of that speaks ill of IGN's quality control for their reviewer selection process.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Of course Miyamoto is calm about the IGN review. He knows he has created genius again, and it's easy to see that Matt at IGN can not see it.

To enjoy Wii Music and see the genius behind it you have to love music and love learning about music, the whole appeal is in understanding the structure of a song and then changing that structure to create something that you like listening too. The joy of having 'created' a song is easily as awarding as any headshot in my opinion. But if you can't see past your own preconcived ideas, you will not recognize genious. Genious is by definition to go outside all standard thinking and reinvent.

I read the IGN review before I got the game, and Matt at IGN makes a huge point about the song selection and makes fun of the fact that twinkle twinkle little star is in there. In fact, including very simple and well known childrens songs is again, a stroke of pure gennious, they serve as excelent entry points into the game as it's a lot easier to understand the game when you are working with a song whos melody and rhytm you know where well. After a few days of Wii Musicing, I know for a fact that there's enough variation in music style and tempos that I could probably keep playing the game forever without ever running out of songs to play around with.

It probably sounds arrogant, but from reading the IGN review, and especially seeing the video of Matt playing the game, it is embarrasingly obvious that he doesn't get the game at all. The formula is to much of a step out of conventional gaming, and to far into the world of music for his mind to follow.

I think when you become as successful as Miyamoto, yoo stop caring what others think.  His creations are well on their way to selling half a billion units and the man still has a good, long time before retirement.  Plus, those creations will long out live him.  He is the Walt Disney of video games and no other individual in the video game industry has made their company even remotely close to what Miyamoto has brought to the table for NIntendo.  Hell, you'd be hard pressed to fidn anyone that has contributed one tenth as much as Miyamoto.  He is just that damn good at what he does, and he doesn't need to give a damn when one whiny punk trashes his product in a review.  Millions will still buy and love Wii Music no matter what Matt thinks, and the people who listen to his tripe wouldn't have bougth WM to begin with.  Miyamoto  knows it's meaningless, and he does't let it get him down.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

There is one developer who comes closer than most to the influential level of Miyamoto, actually, a man named Will Wright. Mr. Wright is largely responsible for simulation-based gaming as we know it today, and as we have known it in its various forms since SimCity came out ages ago.

Even Wright's influence, admittedly, is minor compared to Miyamoto's, however...

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

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kingofwale said:
thekitchensink said:
@Kingofwale: yes, because we all know that what you like=what everybody likes. Read Sky Render's review and come back, k?


Somehow Sky Render's review is better than Matt's?

We all heard about developers bitching and whinning about review scores, from LAIR to Kane and Lynch to... heck, the developer of "Kidz, Sports" series made the exact same argument... that "core gamer" reviewer doesn't know how to review 'casual games'.

Frankly, I'm sick of that argument.

Developers can say reviewers don't "get it" all they want. It is when they tell consumers something is wrong with them that it is a problem.

"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth

Why would Miyamoto care? He's going to make a shitload of money either way.

Miyamoto is probably past the point of caring about money.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

frybread said:
Miyamoto is probably past the point of caring about money.

Why does he work then? To see the smiles on the childrens faces? :P

frybread said:
Miyamoto is probably past the point of caring about money

I completely and totally agree. At some point in a developer's life, which obviously struck miyomoto quite some time ago. Game development is no longer a job, but its a passion. Miyomoto takes his passion and puts it into his games, he takes what he loves about his life and puts that into his games. Miyomoto's passion is what makes his games unique, and unforgetable.

Ontop of that, nintendo gets most of the money irregardless. For him its most likely just another paycheck.


--OkeyDokey-- said:


frybread said:
Miyamoto is probably past the point of caring about money.

Why does he work then? To see the smiles on the childrens faces? :P



To share his love of gaming? Thats the reason I'm in college to become a developer. =p

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?