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I think when you become as successful as Miyamoto, yoo stop caring what others think.  His creations are well on their way to selling half a billion units and the man still has a good, long time before retirement.  Plus, those creations will long out live him.  He is the Walt Disney of video games and no other individual in the video game industry has made their company even remotely close to what Miyamoto has brought to the table for NIntendo.  Hell, you'd be hard pressed to fidn anyone that has contributed one tenth as much as Miyamoto.  He is just that damn good at what he does, and he doesn't need to give a damn when one whiny punk trashes his product in a review.  Millions will still buy and love Wii Music no matter what Matt thinks, and the people who listen to his tripe wouldn't have bougth WM to begin with.  Miyamoto  knows it's meaningless, and he does't let it get him down.

You do not have the right to never be offended.