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Of course Miyamoto is calm about the IGN review. He knows he has created genius again, and it's easy to see that Matt at IGN can not see it.

To enjoy Wii Music and see the genius behind it you have to love music and love learning about music, the whole appeal is in understanding the structure of a song and then changing that structure to create something that you like listening too. The joy of having 'created' a song is easily as awarding as any headshot in my opinion. But if you can't see past your own preconcived ideas, you will not recognize genious. Genious is by definition to go outside all standard thinking and reinvent.

I read the IGN review before I got the game, and Matt at IGN makes a huge point about the song selection and makes fun of the fact that twinkle twinkle little star is in there. In fact, including very simple and well known childrens songs is again, a stroke of pure gennious, they serve as excelent entry points into the game as it's a lot easier to understand the game when you are working with a song whos melody and rhytm you know where well. After a few days of Wii Musicing, I know for a fact that there's enough variation in music style and tempos that I could probably keep playing the game forever without ever running out of songs to play around with.

It probably sounds arrogant, but from reading the IGN review, and especially seeing the video of Matt playing the game, it is embarrasingly obvious that he doesn't get the game at all. The formula is to much of a step out of conventional gaming, and to far into the world of music for his mind to follow.