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Forums - Sales Discussion - Americans Numbers up!

Skeeuk said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
ultimate_123 said:
Wii numbers in a week are more than how much PS3/360 have on average sold in US this year! 360 still outselling PS3 by a strong 24K.


Have you forgotten that the PS3 is 200$ more then the 360? 24K is terrible.


I'd be interested to see how many people bought a Pro, and how many people bought an Arcade with no hard drive.

That said, Nintendomination is so sweet. Anyone still think the PS3 will beat the Wii this gen?


well the market for wii is much different to ps360, so i highly doubt ps3 will edge wii in total sales LT mabey, but the nintendomination sweet thing i have to laugh about................. games?

ps3 will beat nintendomination in gaming.

You wish!


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Next week PS3 will pass 200k WW after long time.

Fernando said:
Skeeuk said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
ultimate_123 said:
Wii numbers in a week are more than how much PS3/360 have on average sold in US this year! 360 still outselling PS3 by a strong 24K.


Have you forgotten that the PS3 is 200$ more then the 360? 24K is terrible.


I'd be interested to see how many people bought a Pro, and how many people bought an Arcade with no hard drive.

That said, Nintendomination is so sweet. Anyone still think the PS3 will beat the Wii this gen?


well the market for wii is much different to ps360, so i highly doubt ps3 will edge wii in total sales LT mabey, but the nintendomination sweet thing i have to laugh about................. games?

ps3 will beat nintendomination in gaming.


That's weird... all this time I thought that I was gaming with the Wii...



sorry but theres nothing on the wii for me, ps360 games offer far far more to the gamer than wii can ever offer, in fact its not even worth mentioning.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

PS3 - 360 gap shortened this week, the week that Fable 2 came out!


This week, PS3 > 360 w00t. (maybe this way for the rest of the year, woot)


Here's a look at the YOY:

Sales for the week ending Oct 27th, 2007:


147,999 (+12%) 5,755,458
129,506 (-1%) 8,026,439
122,859 (-12%) 15,614,809
75,083 (-6%) 9,698,924
44,070 (+54%) 2,204,858
39,224 (+2%) 45,232,138
14,767 (-2%) 41,029,877
520 (+9%) 12,706,930
Total 574,028


360 was still riding the Halo bump at this point.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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Skeeuk said:
360 at this price point and only tracking a little bit over ps3, is a victory for ps3


i was hoping the 360 would do some significant damage to the ps3 will the new price so sony will be forced to cut the price! but the i dont think sony are really worried right now, if anything ps3 looks stronger than 360 now when looking at the prices.

Jo21 said:
fable boost was small... i don't think gears 2 will give it give it a boost.

Well none of this should be that surprising but the fanboys of the certain brands always want to give it creedence. But system sellers are hard to come across so late into a console's lifetime... at least noticeably. Aside from Japan of course. And they are even especially hard to come about during pre holiday and holiday season due to the natural rises in systems bought. But of course fanboys love to tell you otherwise haha.

Only times you really see console sellers so late in the lifetime is if the game is something so different or so huge that many buy the console for it. Usually you need a kind of game with huge significance. Considering GTA IV barely raised the sales of 360 and PS3 I think you can see just how signicant it has to be. MGS4 is a good example of course this wasn't that deep into the PS3's lifecycle... at least not 3 yrs in long.  Of course it did have help from a bundle.


Skeeuk said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
ultimate_123 said:
Wii numbers in a week are more than how much PS3/360 have on average sold in US this year! 360 still outselling PS3 by a strong 24K.


Have you forgotten that the PS3 is 200$ more then the 360? 24K is terrible.


I'd be interested to see how many people bought a Pro, and how many people bought an Arcade with no hard drive.

That said, Nintendomination is so sweet. Anyone still think the PS3 will beat the Wii this gen?


well the market for wii is much different to ps360, so i highly doubt ps3 will edge wii in total sales LT mabey, but the nintendomination sweet thing i have to laugh about................. games?

ps3 will beat nintendomination in gaming.


Lack of games is your generally accepted opinion. In my opinion, Galaxy is still one of the best games this gen, if not the best.

Sales are static fact, as is Nintendomination, unless you want to argue that these numbers don't constitute domination. They do. Nintendo also sells more software, as I understand it, than the other consoles, generally, and are often the top publisher of the week.

The DS is the best handheld for core gamers, imo, but provably it is handily beating the PSP. Dominating it, in fact in sales and userbase.

Just because you don't like the games on the console, doesnt' mean that casuals don't. The Wii is vastly more popular than the PS3 and Xbox 360. It sells more software, and pulls in more profit. The DS is vastly more popular than the PSP. It sells much more software, and pulls in more profit. The gap here is so huge, it would take a fallacy to not declare it "domination."

I am simply happy about Nintendomination. You are not.

As for the markets being different, I think that's an excuse, or a lie by omission. Sony wishes it could tap the Nintendo casual market, while Nintendo will always have the core Nintendo fanboy argument, and it can't even keep up with demand for its own market for long enough to show interest in Sonys. Saying the markets are different is not the whole truth. The markets are different, because Nintendo's market is much larger and more profitable, and Sony's market is only as big as Nintendo allows it to be. Nintendo owns the casual market from last gen. It dominates it, like the PS2 once did. That is why the PS2 was so successful. Thus, Nintendomination.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Updated my sig...


atma998 said:
Skeeuk said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
ultimate_123 said:
Wii numbers in a week are more than how much PS3/360 have on average sold in US this year! 360 still outselling PS3 by a strong 24K.


Have you forgotten that the PS3 is 200$ more then the 360? 24K is terrible.


I'd be interested to see how many people bought a Pro, and how many people bought an Arcade with no hard drive.

That said, Nintendomination is so sweet. Anyone still think the PS3 will beat the Wii this gen?


well the market for wii is much different to ps360, so i highly doubt ps3 will edge wii in total sales LT mabey, but the nintendomination sweet thing i have to laugh about................. games?

ps3 will beat nintendomination in gaming.

You wish!



not only ps3 but 360 also, i dunno why u are clutching straws but its clearly evident that ps3 and 360 games are far far better quality and offer far far better features and offer more to the gamer than nintendo.

of course nintendo offer to a gamer but the games they offer are jibberish imo, and cater to a different type of crowd

few gems in there sure, i love galaxy but thats it

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...