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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Which major gaming site / community hates Wii the most?

I think even this site gets its load of trolls but I think it's much better than in other places. At least, Wii trolls own a Wii. I think most communities like Kotaku, IGN and Gametrailers are filled with angry teenagers and retarded abults that think the Wii is ruining their world somehow.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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Speaking of XBOX360 RROD, I would think that any other device with that high of a failure rate would have been recalled.


^^That might be true, although some people I have noticed on GameFAQs just love to boast their "logical superiority" over the Wii fanbase, accusing others for having fallacies, etc.....

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I find the most vile comments on UK-tech heavy/savvy website. They seem to not understand/not want to understand the machine. Instead, they despise it because it is not cutting/bleeding edge.

The disdain shown for the Wii by much of the gaming press seems to also be out of ignorance. Basically, it is a bunch of 25 year old males who seem to think that a game has to be an FPS, a sandbox, or have multi-player to be good. There are exceptions, but the Wii detractors tend to fall into the category I described.

I agree with many of the characterizations already posted. For example, Game Informer is so bad with respect to the Wii that I had to subscribe to Nintendo Power. (The irony is that more GI owners have Wii consoles than PS3s -- according to data published by the magazine).

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

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vdoesntforgive said:
Senlis said:
from vdoesntforgive's link

"My thoughts exactly. Unless they were really that stupid, they'd realise what was going to happen and gert a few more factories to produce...they'll have the money."

Besides the fact that he can't spell get, I thought the problem of building more factories is common sense. How would this logic be acceptable, "Lets build a couple of factories to meet demand this christmas and then have them running at 70% for next year". If I have to explain it to anyone at this point, Nintendo is not going to build another factory if they are not sure they are going to utilize its full potential for quite a while. I thought everyone got past this paranoid "Nintendo is raising demand to increase the price on ebay" mentality. That doesn't even make sense; If someone sells the Wii on ebay for 1,000,000$, Nintendo only gets the retail profit.

I suppose I am posting this on the wrong forum.


I wouldn't bother. Logic is not something that would normally compute with the community over there. Ignorance is their forté.

That thread is gold:

We are all serious gamers here and there are hardly any decent games for it, so fu*k the Wii.

Wii_R2_Hardcore said:
I am not keeping track of that. I just know for a fact that every multiplataform game are reviewed with a 10 to 20 default penalty points for the Wii version just because, its a Wii game.



...Like what is the deal with that?! I mean so far Guitar Heroes World Tour is rated highest on the Wii, but you know that won't last long cause it will always get a point lower rating then the other, EVEN BEING A DIFFERENT GAME WITH EXCLSUIVE CONTENT!!! I think thats why IGN's review of GH:WT was so surprising cause it didn't follow the penalty rule, lol.

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

It doesn't really matter about the crap talking. I've pretty much read it all. Like a few people stated above if you enjoy the system and games then who really cares what other people think. There are pros/cons for each system and to sit around wasting your time on the internet trying to defend or talk trash about a particular system is pointless. That is it I am going to go play SSBB, Mario Kart Wii, and World of Goo (maybe a few other d/led games also). Take care all and don't worry about the fanboys!

With Kotaku, they have many different bloggers who post. Some love the Wii, some don't. You can generalize a group of 10 journalists by what one intern says.

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Which ones love the Wii? From what I've seen, half hate it and the other half are indifferent at best.  And the half who seem to hate it include all of the top dogs, Crecente/Bashcraft/Plunkett.