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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dead Space completion discussion *SPOILERS*

Yeah but how many doors was Kendra able to open without her direct physical presence? It could easily have been that that was one of those cases, and yeah, I remember her saying that she lost him for a few minutes, but she knew his general location and would know to unlock the door ahead.

The reason why she wouldn't have been a necromorph on the shuttle all the time is that poeple were on the shuttle for so long, she would have attacked them. Even if she was controlled by the Hive Mind, I don't think it would have let Isaac appraoch the planet at all.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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I could foresee Kendra lying to Isaac about losing the ability to communicate with him. She could have been opening the doors remotely and then observing Isaac to see if he imagined that it was Nicole opening them. A test to see if he was hallucinating like the others. 

I really hope all these questions are well answered in any sequel they may have, then they would have a genuinely great storyline, if not I'd be very disappointed.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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So impossible difficulty varies greatly in difficulty. In general it's not as hard, but some of the lockdown sequences are hell.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

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Kendra said the 2nd marker was re-engineered by humans and placed on the Aegis planet on purpose, for some kind of the church of Unitology?

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No, did you read the unlocked backlogs after finishing? They go into some detail.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

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No, I didn´t, vlad.

Where do I read them? the options menu?

Just start up a new gam and a whole lot of things should open in your logs in ch 12. It follows te experiment and a few other cool logs.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

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Ah, ok, thanks.

I hope this game becomes a million seller.

vlad321 said:

Finally got through the game and I'm so glad to see a game with such an epic final boss again. I also like how the game managed to introduce some moral elements into the story, definetly not BioShock but still something. That said, did anyone else notice the resemblence between the necromorph at the end and Nicole? Thought I saw he features but it was really for just an instant so I could be mistaken.

I'm also sure we can all agree there wil be a Dead Space by this point in time given the game's success, even though the ending was completely satisfactory and can stand just fine on its own two legs (and what epic legs they are). If I had to guess it could deal with Isaac's father. At the log you get after completion it does say that all of his background info is deleted after he left his family so I'm thinking we could see a prequel, the devs did mention something about it too. Or maybe it will go even farther back and they will show us the origin of the Black Marker.

One last thing, did anyone else feel like Unitology was a parody of Scientology, especially after reading that Unitology explanation (which I got after beating the game), with ranks depending on money and power?

aww nooo i couldnt find this thread! sorry! 


i also loved how the ending was done, not overdramatic and not too incredibly predictable (i kinda figured what would happen, i just didnt know HOW)

and yes, unitology totally reminds me of a fanatical religion, although im not too knowledgable in scientology, so i cant say :/ 


and i heard there was going to be a dead space 2... what do you think it will be like? on the planet earth or another space ship?