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Forums - Sony Discussion - NEW KILLZONE 2 trailer : BEST GRAPHICS EVER confirmed

kowenicki said:
I hope it looks that good I really do. But having seen RES2 trailers and played the beta the difference is marked. Most of that trailer doesnt look like gameplay to me.

When it comes to FPS graphics matter a lot to me so I hope KZ2 looks as beautiful as this trailer... my PS3 is lacking a shooter at the moment. Come on guerilla... deliver!


I can safely say that it does.  :D

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Some interesting tidbits about the singleplayer:

There is a train level, in which wind actually slows your movement because it's going so fast, and there's a whole bunch of stuff flying around while it's going on.

You actually get to use the mech from the trailer.

Leaked on NeoGAF, and confirmed when Tempy, a GG dev and NeoGAF frequenter, tried to fine out who the guy was so he could get him in trouble for breaking the NDA, lol.

omggggggg i will never get down that mech.

tarheel91 said:
What an inaccurate title. I fail to see how a CG trailer proves anything about graphics. Plus, all that gray and brown is hardly beautiful to me. Sure, it'll undoubtedly be very detailed and epic, but beautiful is not a word I'd used to describe such a bland world.

I'm not making a comment about the gameplay, only about the visual presentation.



And thats how good K2 looks, haters thing its cg.

awesome graphics, but cant be sure about it being the best





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Hidef version of the trailer now up on

And with the ps3's browser now supporting Flash 9, you should be able to download this directly to your ps3. :D

Best Graphics Ever? Absolutely not haha and really not even close. However I am glad to see the implementation of color so kudos to Guerrilla for that. Trailer does look great and so do the game but not even close to best graphics ever and that should be good enough for most.

Zucas said:
Best Graphics Ever? Absolutely not haha and really not even close. However I am glad to see the implementation of color so kudos to Guerrilla for that. Trailer does look great and so do the game but not even close to best graphics ever and that should be good enough for most.


Name a console game with better graphics, the only thing which tops this are the cars in GT5p.

Holy Shit....... I think my heart just skipped a beat....

lol at all the fanboys who said ps3 coultn render like the orig trailer

ps3 will continue to have the best games in 2009 also confirmed, man i will buy killzone on day one it looks amazing

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

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