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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Ms $300 Million Ad Campaign CRASHING TV's All over the USA!!

That's it. If the quality of their stuff stays like that I'm never buying the next Xbox!

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DMeisterJ said:
Shouldn't this be in Off-Topic though?



Do you think maybe he's not familiar with The Onion

LOL, It's like they're advertising that they can crash tvs xD


GUYS!!!! it's the Onion!!!! It's FAKE!!! It's PARODY... Geee....


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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I read this halfway, in half a state of wtf, when i read the words above WASHINGTON -


The Onion is a parody newspaper. Learn who the source is before you start jumping to conclusions. Thats funny how much people want to believe bad news!!

People got owned! (including me).



it is a joke

It makes more sense then.

Time to Work !