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Forums - Sales Discussion - Resistance 2, Gears 1.5, or, erm, Animal Crossing?

oliminator1994 said:
as we can all see Resistance 2 looks more impressive than others, as the Op said

"Gears 1.5, or, erm, Animal Crossing"


A. The gears 1.5 comment was a joke in poor taste, as explained in the OP.

B. We can't all see share your biased opinion, because we're not all biased.

C. You are obviously biased and pro-Sony. If Gears 2 was on PS3 and R2 on 360, you would be saying, "Gears 2 is clearly the more impressive game, as we can all see."

That's my opinion.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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I think Resistance looks very unimpressive, and I really don't understand the hype. The first one was also a below average FPS, so it just seems absurd to me. GoW2 will be a much better game and both will outsell resistance greatly.

Stillwell said:
I think Resistance looks very unimpressive, and I really don't understand the (Resistance 2) hype. The first one was also a below average FPS, so it just seems absurd to me. GoW2 will be a much better game and both will outsell resistance greatly.


There ya go, PC'd that up for ya. Now it's true.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


What is a PC, dude!?

ZenfoldorVGI said:
oliminator1994 said:
as we can all see Resistance 2 looks more impressive than others, as the Op said

"Gears 1.5, or, erm, Animal Crossing"


A. The gears 1.5 comment was a joke in poor taste, as explained in the OP.

B. We can't all see share your biased opinion, because we're not all biased.

C. You are obviously biased and pro-Sony. If Gears 2 was on PS3 and R2 on 360, you would be saying, "Gears 2 is clearly the more impressive game, as we can all see."

That's my opinion.


 I was just quoting the other games that you metioned, i could be bothered typing so i just pasted.

If you have played in Resistance 2 Beta you will see how impressive it is.

Ill admit i havent played in the Animal crossing Beta, but i dont feel that i would like it, my opinion.

Ive seen 60 player online and i was impressed by that, i like the fact that you can have 2 player online on 1 console.

To me and the migority of people who have played previous games and seen trailers footage gamplay or got  both consoles i can tell you that there is a clear winner.

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darthdevidem01 said:
LittlebigPlanet will sell the most


 Haha, I think it's possible for Animal Crossing to sell more then the current amount of PS3's sold (give or take 16 million)...

Just saying, but It's highly unlikely that LBP will sell more then Wii Music or Animal Crossing, just look at the userbase...


I think R2 sales will be very good. LBP gives the PS-brand a great boost. Especially in Others. But Gears 1.5 will sell most copies i think. Because this is the only game on 360 worth mentioning.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Stillwell said:
I think Resistance looks very unimpressive, and I really don't understand the (Resistance 2) hype. The first one was also a below average FPS, so it just seems absurd to me. GoW2 will be a much better game and both will outsell resistance greatly.


There ya go, PC'd that up for ya. Now it's true.


this should be edited as well since when was 86% meta average? it got a 9.1 and a 9 from ign and gametrailer

Ries-art said:
I think R2 sales will be very good. LBP gives the PS-brand a great boost. Especially in Others. But Gears 1.5 will sell most copies i think. Because this is the only game on 360 worth mentioning.

Fable II...... many people care about L4D as well. There are many others that I can't really think of, but GeoW 2 is not alone


I think than here are many concepts wrong about r2 and gow 2, for example:

One guy says "ooo, RESISTANCE 2 an amazing improvement from the first one" so for him, it deserves to be called """RESISTANSE """2""". But that same guy says "dissapointing, gears 2 is almost the same as the first one, its just a "gears of war """1.5""". But, lets think than gears 1 its almost a perfect game, with an average of 94, while resistans its just a "good" shooter with an average of 86 (i dont remember).

So, that said, Which of both games MUST improve the most??? i think than the answer is obvious.

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