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Forums - Sales Discussion - Resistance 2, Gears 1.5, or, erm, Animal Crossing?

all of them will be over 3 million easily.

and make profits.

i want to test the mp of gears 2, if comparable to r2.

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darthdevidem01 said:
LittlebigPlanet will sell the most


 a fan hope

Is it just me or was the thread biased since the title?

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hanafuda said:
scottie said:
hanafuda said:


Animal Crossing


The DS game was massive.  In other words, the last game was on a handheld, so the jump back to a console may not be so well received.


Past games have been very big, but the jump back to a console may work against this.  The DS version outsold the GC version by more than double.


There was technically no GC version


There was a N64 version, which didn't sell well because it was Japan only

This game was ported to the GC with a few extras, but sold poorly in Japan because alot of people had already played it.


Also, the N64 and GC have both been outsold by the Wii.


End of life sales may be Animal Crossing Wii > Resitance 2 + Gears of War 2 combined

I heard the Wii version is something of a tweaked version of the DS game though.

Is that true?  I really don't know.  Haven't been following the game at all, beyond seeing the screenshots in Famitsu.  Some new characters and so on.


Hmm, tricked by my own subconscious. Does that make me really smart or really dumb?


I think there's a fair bit of difference between the DS and Wii versions, but I too haven't been following the game too closely


Torillian said:
Oh for God's sake, 2/3 of the sales of Resistance were not bundles, someone get out the math again. God damn it where does this rumor keeping sprouting up from?


Well if Resistance's sales weren't 2/3 from bundles, Motorstorm's sales were 2/3 from bundles. :)

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Gears 2 will outsell Resistance 2 by 2-4 M. LBP will never sell near to Resistance, so it cannot even touch Gears 2.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
matt247 said:
I heard that Resistance only sold a million, the rest were bundled, so it's difficult to tell how many people liked the game or just wanted a free game with the console. I agree with your sales, but I think R2 will sell faster(1st week-1 month) than AC, but AC will have legs. Also, you say R2 is very gory, does that mean it will be banned in Germany & Japan like Gears of War 2? I think the people that are calling Gear 1.5 are PS fanboys because nobody is saying R1.5 since they were both released at the same time and I haven't heard anything new about it.


Generally speaking, the Gears 1.5 is a marginalization was invented by PS fanboys after IGN named Gears 2 the best technical graphics at E3, over Killzone 2. It's a reference to the graphics.

Nobody calles Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 4.5. Trust me, it's a fanboy thing. No legitimate source with any credibility called Gears 2, Gears 1.5. All previews have been fantastic.

....which would make this statment in the OP:

The game is being labelled Gears of War 1.5 in some places.

Either ignorance or fanboyism, by definition.


IGN and gamefly are two sites that have mentioned the possibility of calling it 1.5.  They may not have said it as "it IS", but they have certainly commented on the fact that it may be called that.  (not justifying it, but just rebutting that "no legitimate source with any credibility...")

papflesje said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
matt247 said:
I heard that Resistance only sold a million, the rest were bundled, so it's difficult to tell how many people liked the game or just wanted a free game with the console. I agree with your sales, but I think R2 will sell faster(1st week-1 month) than AC, but AC will have legs. Also, you say R2 is very gory, does that mean it will be banned in Germany & Japan like Gears of War 2? I think the people that are calling Gear 1.5 are PS fanboys because nobody is saying R1.5 since they were both released at the same time and I haven't heard anything new about it.


Generally speaking, the Gears 1.5 is a marginalization was invented by PS fanboys after IGN named Gears 2 the best technical graphics at E3, over Killzone 2. It's a reference to the graphics.

Nobody calles Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 4.5. Trust me, it's a fanboy thing. No legitimate source with any credibility called Gears 2, Gears 1.5. All previews have been fantastic.

....which would make this statment in the OP:

The game is being labelled Gears of War 1.5 in some places.

Either ignorance or fanboyism, by definition.


IGN and gamefly are two sites that have mentioned the possibility of calling it 1.5.  They may not have said it as "it IS", but they have certainly commented on the fact that it may be called that.  (not justifying it, but just rebutting that "no legitimate source with any credibility...")


Got a link, so I can check the context?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
matt247 said:
I heard that Resistance only sold a million, the rest were bundled, so it's difficult to tell how many people liked the game or just wanted a free game with the console. I agree with your sales, but I think R2 will sell faster(1st week-1 month) than AC, but AC will have legs. Also, you say R2 is very gory, does that mean it will be banned in Germany & Japan like Gears of War 2? I think the people that are calling Gear 1.5 are PS fanboys because nobody is saying R1.5 since they were both released at the same time and I haven't heard anything new about it.


Generally speaking, the Gears 1.5 is a marginalization was invented by PS fanboys after IGN named Gears 2 the best technical graphics at E3, over Killzone 2. It's a reference to the graphics.

Nobody calles Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 4.5. Trust me, it's a fanboy thing. No legitimate source with any credibility called Gears 2, Gears 1.5. All previews have been fantastic.

....which would make this statment in the OP:

The game is being labelled Gears of War 1.5 in some places.

Either ignorance or fanboyism, by definition.

I think also many peopel who have not read much about it are still assuming it is just going to be a 1.5. There is of course the fact that it is running on the UE 3.5, so that could be another reason for the 1.5

Anyway, I think the OP will be right in terms of sales and reviews

as we can all see Resistance 2 looks more impressive than others, as the Op said

"Gears 1.5, or, erm, Animal Crossing"