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Forums - General Discussion - A liberal supermajority--What it really means for the U.S.

I don't see how 2009 will be anything like 1933 or 1965. The Democratic Party has changed a lot since then, just as the Republican Party has. Yes the country will be moving left, but considering how far we just moved right and how much it fucked over our foreign policy, our economy, our credibility, and our image, a move left is the smart thing to do. And if we move too far left, guess what? We'll vote them out of office and go center-right again. I think this has been happening for a long time. We take baby steps left and right, and some times huge jumps, and hopefully they add up to some baby steps forward, maybe, some day.

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halogamer1989 said:
Moongoddess you hit the nail on the head-- I am doing this on my own and we have in NO way admitted any type of defeat. I would also like to have people focus more on the article and not bashing on me.

The article is all speculation and innuendo.  None of it has happened and it is not likely to happen IMO.

What I do know is that things are heading downhill fast.  We need someone who is extremely smart to get us through this tough time.  I believe Obama is far better equipped in the intelligence department, and the fact that he has surrounded himself with the likes of Warren Buffet to advise on economic policy is a great start.


Moongoddess256 said:
That article looked positive to me. Just because its posted by the McCain guy doesn't make it negative press. Everything there made me go YES.

Strange, I felt the same way.


We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

The Ghost of RubangB said:
I don't see how 2009 will be anything like 1933 or 1965. The Democratic Party has changed a lot since then, just as the Republican Party has. Yes the country will be moving left, but considering how far we just moved right and how much it fucked over our foreign policy, our economy, our credibility, and our image, a move left is the smart thing to do. And if we move too far left, guess what? We'll vote them out of office and go center-right again. I think this has been happening for a long time. We take baby steps left and right, and some times huge jumps, and hopefully they add up to some baby steps forward, maybe, some day.


when the party system is killed then we will be moving forward.

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The editors of the Wall Street Journal have been some of the biggest cheerleaders of the free market fundamentalism, deregulation, wealth polarization and irresponsible speculation of the last 35 years otherwise known as neoliberalism. Just make the rich richer and let the middle class hang, and everyone will benefit, right?

Wrong. Now that their psychopathic ideology has cratered, taking our biggest investment banks, the housing market, our manufacturing base, and our 401Ks with it, they have the nerve - yes, the sheer nerve - to whine and complain about how the US may soon have some of the basic social protections which Canada, Japan, and the EU countries have had for 50 years or more.

And they have the nerve to say this just weeks after we spent $700 billion of taxpayer's money to bail out their sorry worthless butts, after they blew $2 trillion on bad mortgages and are in the process of blowing who knows how many trillions on CDOs, LBOs and derivatives. Unfreakingbelievable.

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ssj12 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
I don't see how 2009 will be anything like 1933 or 1965. The Democratic Party has changed a lot since then, just as the Republican Party has. Yes the country will be moving left, but considering how far we just moved right and how much it fucked over our foreign policy, our economy, our credibility, and our image, a move left is the smart thing to do. And if we move too far left, guess what? We'll vote them out of office and go center-right again. I think this has been happening for a long time. We take baby steps left and right, and some times huge jumps, and hopefully they add up to some baby steps forward, maybe, some day.


when the party system is killed then we will be moving forward.




Rubang - if you think Bush moved us to the "right," you are for the most part mistaken.  The Republican Party as a whole has been discredited largely because of their abandonment of conservative principles such as fiscal conservatism, non-interventionism, strong commitment to personal liberties and strong resistance to corruption and cronyism.  The Bush administration has been a massive failure on all those fronts, and I think most across the political spectrum can agree on that.

Fiscal conservatism = Bush increased the debt and deficit massively and recently supported $1 trillion+ bailouts for Wall Street

Non-interventionism = see Iraq

Personal liberties = warrantless wiretapping, establishment of the Department of Homeland Security (a vast new bureaucracy not unrelated to the first point above), politicization of the Justice Department

Corruption/cronyism = Michael Brown, Harriet Miers, numerous congressional Republican scandals

The sad thing is that some people think the Democrats will actually be better (these people don't remember when the Democrats were last in power, for the most part).

In Memoriam RVW Jr.

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@SlorgNet, seriously. The rich just got their socialism and want to keep the benefits to themselves. Socialism for the rich, and a free market for the poor.

What if we had socialism for everybody, and a free market for the top 1%? Everybody would get health care and education, and if you were lucky enough to get to the top 1%, you'd pay NO TAXES. hahaha. That would be a huge motivation for the middle and upper-middle class to compete hard as hell. There, socialism with competition. Rubang just invented the perfect economy.

elprincipe said:
ssj12 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
I don't see how 2009 will be anything like 1933 or 1965. The Democratic Party has changed a lot since then, just as the Republican Party has. Yes the country will be moving left, but considering how far we just moved right and how much it fucked over our foreign policy, our economy, our credibility, and our image, a move left is the smart thing to do. And if we move too far left, guess what? We'll vote them out of office and go center-right again. I think this has been happening for a long time. We take baby steps left and right, and some times huge jumps, and hopefully they add up to some baby steps forward, maybe, some day.


when the party system is killed then we will be moving forward.




Rubang - if you think Bush moved us to the "right," you are for the most part mistaken. The Republican Party as a whole has been discredited largely because of their abandonment of conservative principles such as fiscal conservatism, non-interventionism, strong commitment to personal liberties and strong resistance to corruption and cronyism. The Bush administration has been a massive failure on all those fronts, and I think most across the political spectrum can agree on that.

Fiscal conservatism = Bush increased the debt and deficit massively and recently supported $1 trillion+ bailouts for Wall Street

Non-interventionism = see Iraq

Personal liberties = warrantless wiretapping, establishment of the Department of Homeland Security (a vast new bureaucracy not unrelated to the first point above), politicization of the Justice Department

Corruption/cronyism = Michael Brown, Harriet Miers, numerous congressional Republican scandals

The sad thing is that some people think the Democrats will actually be better (these people don't remember when the Democrats were last in power, for the most part).

Okay, Bush didn't necessarily move us right, but he hijacked the right and redefined their movement and ruined the right's credibility for a long time, so we're turning a hard left at the fork in the road in November.  And I'm keeping my fingers crossed we actually move left, and that Obama doesn't pull an anti-Bush and hijack the left and ruin it.


Everyone who cries about the rich getting richer are just jealous that they're the ones who aren't rich. People just need to mind their own business and worry about going out and making a living for themselves. Don't cry foul because that guy over there makes more money than you do.


Prescription Drug Price controls would include opening up importing from Canada and Europe. 

Nobody forced to join a union under that law, if 10% of the company want to join a Union, they should be able to.  But they can't because 50%+1 need to support a union.

Taxation with out representation in DC is a big deal.  Republicans block it because they don't want all those black people to have a voice in congress.

Renegotiating Mortgage contracts: yeah! those banks should just be given blank check bail out, and all those people should get kicked out of their homes. /sarcasm

Eliminating the statute of limitations would mean people would be better to protect their rights.  Sexual harassment is a myth.  Retaliation is a myth.  Injuries in the work place are a myth.  Boo! Boo! /sarcasm

Bar funding for war in Iraq... no I'm just saying.  Bar funding for the war in Iraq.  Get a treaty signed, and GTFO. Bar funding until Bush admits he is a war criminal, and gives himself up for prosecution.

Windfall Profits Tax.  Some times taxes need to go down, sometimes they need to go up.  The windfall profits tax would still be lower than the pre-Bush 43 federal tax rates on oil companies.  Right now, the governmment is spending a crap load of money of these bail outs, taxes need to go up.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.