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The editors of the Wall Street Journal have been some of the biggest cheerleaders of the free market fundamentalism, deregulation, wealth polarization and irresponsible speculation of the last 35 years otherwise known as neoliberalism. Just make the rich richer and let the middle class hang, and everyone will benefit, right?

Wrong. Now that their psychopathic ideology has cratered, taking our biggest investment banks, the housing market, our manufacturing base, and our 401Ks with it, they have the nerve - yes, the sheer nerve - to whine and complain about how the US may soon have some of the basic social protections which Canada, Japan, and the EU countries have had for 50 years or more.

And they have the nerve to say this just weeks after we spent $700 billion of taxpayer's money to bail out their sorry worthless butts, after they blew $2 trillion on bad mortgages and are in the process of blowing who knows how many trillions on CDOs, LBOs and derivatives. Unfreakingbelievable.