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Prescription Drug Price controls would include opening up importing from Canada and Europe. 

Nobody forced to join a union under that law, if 10% of the company want to join a Union, they should be able to.  But they can't because 50%+1 need to support a union.

Taxation with out representation in DC is a big deal.  Republicans block it because they don't want all those black people to have a voice in congress.

Renegotiating Mortgage contracts: yeah! those banks should just be given blank check bail out, and all those people should get kicked out of their homes. /sarcasm

Eliminating the statute of limitations would mean people would be better to protect their rights.  Sexual harassment is a myth.  Retaliation is a myth.  Injuries in the work place are a myth.  Boo! Boo! /sarcasm

Bar funding for war in Iraq... no I'm just saying.  Bar funding for the war in Iraq.  Get a treaty signed, and GTFO. Bar funding until Bush admits he is a war criminal, and gives himself up for prosecution.

Windfall Profits Tax.  Some times taxes need to go down, sometimes they need to go up.  The windfall profits tax would still be lower than the pre-Bush 43 federal tax rates on oil companies.  Right now, the governmment is spending a crap load of money of these bail outs, taxes need to go up.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.