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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Little Big Planet=everything the reviews say and more

this is on gaming section?
only possible on ps3 dude ;)

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That is an epic level. I really love the stuff people are coming up with.

This is gonna be the SMW that never ends.  I have been waiting for this game it feels like forever.  This stage also makes me far more hopeful about user created content.  I was sure that even playing around in the not so great levels would be good with friends, but this assures me that there will be great quality ones to muck about in as well.


I wonder if that was the cause of the recall.  So that the hardcore consumers get the game early and create some extra content for everyone as soon as the game goes live. Just a theory.

I purchased the game yesterday.  I bought it for my kids and was pretty sure I would have zero interest in playing it myself.  I was wrong.  I've probably played the game for 8 hours or more.  It's so well done -- unbelievably cute and creative and so damn fun.   

PoppySan said:

I purchased the game yesterday.  I bought it for my kids and was pretty sure I would have zero interest in playing it myself.  I was wrong.  I've probably played the game for 8 hours or more.  It's so well done -- unbelievably cute and creative and so damn fun.   

Trust me

U will play the game so much that you will have fights with your kids

This game is as addictive as a crack


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wow, that stage is astounding. Especially the last fight with the dragon and having to use the sword to kill it. That is amazing.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

At first my Gamestop told me yesterday that they wouldn't have it in until Tuesday but they called me back later yesterday afternoon saying they had gotten it in. I can say this, this game is AMAZING! My girlfriend and I have been playing it and it is so amazing. It even got us both off of Fable 2 and the R2 Beta. This game is just so much fun. It really reminds me of being a kid and playing smw. It's one of those games that I really think we can all look back on and have amazing fon memories of playing it like we do to the nes and snes games. If I didn't worship the MGS series then this would easily be game of the year for me (without playing gears 2 or R2, but honestly I don't know how they could possibly compare to this game, my imagination and the imagination of gamers who purchase it).

PS3 Trophies



bobobologna said:
makingmusic476 said:
Hawkeye said:
Bobo012893 said:
Hawkeye said:
Is it better or worse than Super Mario World (SNES) in your opinion? I may buy a PS3 for this game.


In my opinion it's better. It's the best platform game I have ever played. When you first put in the game it makes you smile and feel all warm inside. But contrary to common belief, the later parts of the game are hard as balls.

And there are so many unlockables that it is rediculous. There are around 50 unlockables through around 25 levels and 20 unlockables for every tutorial and there are like 25 of those

I am really good at platformers. SMB3 imo has a good difficulty level in world 6-8; not all that touch but still challenging. Anyway, I love making my own super mario world levels in a program called Lunar Magic, and I have some really good and creative levels. How are the level creation tools in LBP? Super Smash Bros Brawl got me excited over the level editor, but the game treid to do to much and eneded up sucking at everything except the core gameplay (and even that went backwards a bit) so that editor sucked. THe LBP level ediotr is better, right? Promo movies make it look good, but its hard to gauge since they speed up/skip things in those movies.


Behold the power of the editor:




Amazing. Simply amazing.

EDIT:  I had to stop myself from watching the full video so that I can enjoy playing through it myself.

Is that a dev made level, or a custom level?


Another thing I thought of...
6 months from now, devs could release a patch that adds new items and stuff to make the editor better and add more variety in case things get played out. Through online updates, this game could never end!

I'm so jealous of all of you, I wont have the game for at least another week and a half.....

Anyway, the narrator is Stephen Fry and he is a complete genius and his voice is just warm and cuddly....