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At first my Gamestop told me yesterday that they wouldn't have it in until Tuesday but they called me back later yesterday afternoon saying they had gotten it in. I can say this, this game is AMAZING! My girlfriend and I have been playing it and it is so amazing. It even got us both off of Fable 2 and the R2 Beta. This game is just so much fun. It really reminds me of being a kid and playing smw. It's one of those games that I really think we can all look back on and have amazing fon memories of playing it like we do to the nes and snes games. If I didn't worship the MGS series then this would easily be game of the year for me (without playing gears 2 or R2, but honestly I don't know how they could possibly compare to this game, my imagination and the imagination of gamers who purchase it).

PS3 Trophies