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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Resident Evil 5 producer - Wii couldn’t handle title screen of RE5

I wouldn't take what he says too seriously. CapCom has been known to port its games out constantly. And who knows--maybe on Nintendo's next console we'll probably see a port of RE5... wishful thinking, of course, but it could happen.

The fact that CapCom is still giving the Wii MH3 and expressed interest in doing another RE title should make this unfortunate mishap excusable.

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trestres said:
@shinsa: Countdown to permaban starts now.


LMFAO and i care whyyyyy????

Jo21 said:
hsrob said:
Xen said:
Third party titles sell perfectly well on the Wii... the problem is that barely any GOOD games sell well.. and that's probably Capcom's worry.

Perhaps, but looking at the most pertinent example i.e. Resident Evil 4, we can see it sold more on Nintendo's systems (Wii + GC) than on the PS2, despite having only a fraction of the installed base.




PS2 > GC. despite comming later.

Ps2 > Wii

but of course its okay GC+wii since they are nintendo consoles XD

I made the point it was 2 systems versus one which you don't have to like but there is no need to be an ass about it. We could look at attach rate per console if you prefer but my point still stands, more units sold on a much smaller install base so for Capcom to worry about the game not selling on the Wii doesn't seem to make sense.

p.s. Where have i heard the term 'Playstation Brand' thrown around before when trying to make it look like they are making profit on software.


shinsa said:
trestres said:
@shinsa: Countdown to permaban starts now.


LMFAO and i care whyyyyy????


sorry for being a jackass about it lol

really dont care if i get banned, not like my life is over. I like to say things really blunt sometimes and honestly i think this is a stupid thread and i'm calling it how i see it and is it not true??!!!


How are you enjoying your BioShock btw?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Let's see, the comparison video I saw must be from a really early build then as that one looked like very little would need to be toned down to be workable on Wii.

Also, looking at what Capcom has done so far with Monster Hunter 3, I bet they could do it.

What a retarded thread. It's not Capcoms fault.

If you guys want third party games then why did you buy another Nintendo console?

--OkeyDokey-- said:
What a retarded thread. It's not Capcoms fault.

If you guys want third party games then why did you buy another Nintendo console?


thats why i am trying to figure out.


many of you say you bought wii because you care only about first party titles


another third party says there is not port comming due the wii hardware, and people blame as traitor.

when it was nintendo choice not to make the wii powerful enough.

this thread = damage control by trestres

You must have have some personal insecurity issues make a contraversial thread and then threaten every post where someone challenges your opinion with either "you are a troll and not intelligent" or "you will get banned"

You really have no arguments here except "Come on Capcom...COME ON"
And wii is much closer to ps2 than ps360 in graphical capabilities, therefore I don't see why he wouldn't compare it to a PS2.

I'm not sure, I mean they said the same thing about RE4 on PS2 and look at what happened? RE4 came to PS2 (and it looked great too...aside from the dumbed down lightning)