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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan First Day Sales (10/23)

Seneque said:
And I see it's published by Nintendo, but, what's 'Girls Mode' ?

^^^ This is what you get for blowing a rumor out of proportion

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Seneque said:
The 2 previous Castlevania on DS sold around 16k in their first week in Japan. So 14k in its first day for Order of Ecclesia is actually very good.
And I see it's published by Nintendo, but, what's 'Girls Mode' ?

In that case, Castevania is alright, but Tenchu 4 is not.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Dang, the ps2 still gets tons of releases.

Seneque has this right. Castlevania hasn't been big in Japan for a long, long time. This is the best launch it's had in years. Tenchu, though, not so much. This is definitely well below expectations.">">

Tenchu didn't do well at all. Maybe that's why there were rumors of a PSP port.

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Japanese third-party games sell extremely bad on Wii. (No advertising + no casual + not published by Nintendo = bombed percentage 90%)

tenchu 4?!!??!!O_o
i expected much much more... very disappointing

I am more interested about how OoE will do here(in the NA) since Castlevania is actually pretty popular here. I believe PoR sold about 300K+ in the US alone. The last Castlevania game that had decent sales in Japan was SotN and even that game didn't sell THAT great there

Riachu said:
I am more interested about how OoE will do here(in the NA) since Castlevania is actually pretty popular here. I believe PoR sold about 300K+ in the US alone. The last Castlevania game that had decent sales in Japan was SotN and even that game didn't sell THAT great there



Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin
Konami 98 210 332,763
New International Track & Field
Konami 13 187 8,869
Death Jr and The Science Fair of Doom
Konami 74 172 40,061
Go Pets: Vacation Island
Konami 31 163 17,136
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Konami 159 79 266,702

Soma said:
low sales of castlevania, too bad, I hope the data is incomplete

Por and DoS had first week sales of 16k and 15k respectively, OoE is going fantastically by comparison with 14k on the first day



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