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Forums - General Discussion - What's better - Waffles or Pancakes???

Rath said:

Pancakes. Proper ones, not the disgusting thick American ones. I'm talking things that are about a millimetre thick and have lemon juice and sugar drizzled on them.

Nothing better. Ever.

Here here!

What Rath said.



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waffles they can hold the syrup and butter


waffles due to their crunchy texture


Waffles homemade not Eggo.

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I'm going to mix waffles and pancakes together for breakfast in the morning. Wish me luck!

I had waffles for breakfast this morning. As I ate them, I could not stop wishing they were pancakes instead.



Barack Obama eats waffles, shouldn't you? Waffles FTW


At the International House of Pancakes, I like pancakes.
At the Waffle House, I like waffles.

The bigger question is hot dog or taco.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.