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Can split screen online be toggled?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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KylieDog said:
I have R1, I think that game blows. I don't have anything positive to say about it. Overated generic trash.

R2 however I think completely different of, I'm actually enjoying playing the beta. I like that the damage of weapons is reduced, for headshots especially. Nothing more boring than a shooter where its just "Who hits head first wins" and a bunch if 1 second fights, there is actually some meat to R2 fights, and I like it.



No, Resistance 2 is either a case of whoever had more team-mates in the area or who gets the first shot. Because shots on every single part of the body do the same amount of damage on this game, then whoever shoots first wins. End of. Resistance: FoM required skill, if someone shot you from behind, you could kill them by turning around and putting 9 bullets into their head. There was an element of skill involved. Resistance 2 doesn't have that. The aim assist is ridiculous too, you actually can't miss from less than 20 feet away.

I'll put it this way, if you like chaotic games with no sense of direction requirely no skill, Resistance 2 is for you.

I'm just hoping Killzone 2 will be worth it. I have very high hopes for that game and I know they will deliver.

jasonnc80 said:
I had 3 friends come over tonight and take turns playing the beta together and had a decent time. Probably put about 8 hours in just tonight. With no other system to play this week I should get some real hands-on with it.

The co-op was tons of fun. I think every one of us had an awesome time with it. I don't know what I was really expecting with this mode but Insomniac did an awesome job and should be commended. The matches were long and I can see a lot of replayability in this mode. It seemed like a lot of people were communicating more in this co-op than I found in multiplayer.

The strict multiplayer I didn't really like much at all. It seemed too hectic and chaotic. Even with the squad system it seemed like a bunch of people just running around with no set objective or strategy. There was quite a bit of spawn killing or it seemed other times I would spawn clear across the map. No real rhyme or reason to it. Maybe getting more friends together in a squad would have made it more enjoyable but I really don't like this style of play. I spent most of the time on the big maps but I think I would prefer the smaller 10 & 20 player maps. Either way I'm not saying it's bad but so far it just doesn't seem like my cup of tea.

Other things I did like across both modes:
- EXP System
- Guns
- Lobby System
- Class upgrades

The squad system doesn't work well in team deathmatch.  It is better suited for the "Skirmish" mode.  In the end it is still a bunch of random people doing there own thing, just like every other online FPS.  The coop is a lot of fun.  I like the class system, Medic being my favorite.  The special ops is good to if you can team up with a good soldier. 


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



I think everyone bashing R2 for not being enough like the first one is really dumb. I has improved so much over the first that I am dumbfounded.

Aiming is a lot better and the pace is much improved as well. The graphics in the beta are even good and I can't imagine what they'll be like in the retail.

I mean, does everyone really want a cookie-cutter version of the first game with improved graphics? Does everyone just want a Gears 2?

Feel free to add me as your friend-PSN ID: Bobo012893

thats just the beta dude, of course the controls and stuff are a bit clunky. thats the point of putting out a beta, right? to see whats wrong with it so you can fix it before launch

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Bobo012893 said:
I think everyone bashing R2 for not being enough like the first one is really dumb. I has improved so much over the first that I am dumbfounded.

Aiming is a lot better and the pace is much improved as well. The graphics in the beta are even good and I can't imagine what they'll be like in the retail.

I mean, does everyone really want a cookie-cutter version of the first game with improved graphics? Does everyone just want a Gears 2?


 Ironically Gears 2 will outsell and outscore Resistance 2. Yeah a cookie cut verion.

End of '08 predictions (made by theprof00): PS3: 20m, 360: 23.5m, wii: 42m

Now Playin':  PS3|Resistance 2, LBP, Uncharted and Fifa 09, PSP| Ratchet and Clank: Size matters, 360| Gears of war 2 and Fallout 3.

I got into the beta today and I'm very impressed, it's perhaps even better than I expected. It absolutely destroys the first in every way. Best game of the year, just like I said it would be.


r1 > rfom

Resistance 1 was just too boring and certain weapons were just unbalanced.

Also, the Spin Saw in R2 is just like the Ripper from UT, which makes it already better than R:FoM

Resistance no longer Resistance?

That's a good thing isn't it? The first one wasn't good at all, IMO. The beta is way more fun and better than R1. Competitive is pretty insane. Co-op is alot of fun, but pretty repetitive. I've played like 2 or 3 different missions in the co-op, and they pretty much are the same. Go to this spot, press triangle, Chimeras! Repeat until the mission is over.

dbot said:
jasonnc80 said:
I had 3 friends come over tonight and take turns playing the beta together and had a decent time. Probably put about 8 hours in just tonight. With no other system to play this week I should get some real hands-on with it.

The co-op was tons of fun. I think every one of us had an awesome time with it. I don't know what I was really expecting with this mode but Insomniac did an awesome job and should be commended. The matches were long and I can see a lot of replayability in this mode. It seemed like a lot of people were communicating more in this co-op than I found in multiplayer.

The strict multiplayer I didn't really like much at all. It seemed too hectic and chaotic. Even with the squad system it seemed like a bunch of people just running around with no set objective or strategy. There was quite a bit of spawn killing or it seemed other times I would spawn clear across the map. No real rhyme or reason to it. Maybe getting more friends together in a squad would have made it more enjoyable but I really don't like this style of play. I spent most of the time on the big maps but I think I would prefer the smaller 10 & 20 player maps. Either way I'm not saying it's bad but so far it just doesn't seem like my cup of tea.

Other things I did like across both modes:
- EXP System
- Guns
- Lobby System
- Class upgrades

The squad system doesn't work well in team deathmatch.  It is better suited for the "Skirmish" mode.  In the end it is still a bunch of random people doing there own thing, just like every other online FPS.  The coop is a lot of fun.  I like the class system, Medic being my favorite.  The special ops is good to if you can team up with a good soldier. 


Yeah, that's what I was playing a majority of the time, I probably should have clarified.  I actually don't think I played strict deathmatch at all.  Maybe it was just the people I played with but so far for me coop >>>> multi imo.

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