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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Last Remnant

I had this game on pre-order for the PS3 from (a UK seller) and recently received an e-mail stating that the game has been 'withdrawn from general release' and was wondering if anyone had any information if this is due to the game becoming 360 only or any other information that i have missed in the past weeks.


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The PS3 version of the game has never had a release date.

I don't know, I just thought it was still a while away from release

I know it doesn't have a release date, but the game would not be 'withdrawn from general release' if they were just saying that it was not going to be released anytime soon.

Same goes for PC... The Last Remnant official page shows 360, PS3 and PC as the platforms, but i think they're gonna release it on 360 before saying the other 2 dates...

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The only thing I've heard about the PS3 release is that it will be sometime in 2009. SE never really set a definitive date and I seriously doubt its been canceled.

i was wondering if the game's coming to the ps3 and obviously it's not :(

they will make the game for ps3. i dont understand why they wouldnt make this game for ps3. if they end up not making it, then we know a 3rd person is behind this.





Darn..... I saw this thread under the "SONY Discussion" and quickly clicked thinking I would find a release date...

4 ≈ One

It is coming to PS3, look at the official site...