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Forums - Sony Discussion - LBP is Sony's last chance to pull ahead

LBP may appeal to a casual audience, but a casual audience doesn't spend $400 on a console, especially not for one game. There is simply no way that the PS3 sells 5-6m more consoles than the 360 any time soon. Consider that the 360 has now been out almost 3 years, and sells, roughly 8m per year. The PS3 is at the end of its second year, also selling 8m per year.

In order for the PS3 to pull even with the 360, let alone ahead, in the next 12 months, it would have to sell 14m copies, assuming the 360, even with its new price point, doesn't increase its sales. That'd be a 75% increase, which I think would be unheard of for any console this late in its life cycle.

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"In order for the PS3 to pull even with the 360, let alone ahead, in the next 12 months, it would have to sell 14m copies, assuming the 360, even with its new price point, doesn't increase its sales. That'd be a 75% increase, which I think would be unheard of for any console this late in its life cycle."

The PS3's life cycle doesn't really even begin until Final Fantasy XIII and Gran Turismo 5 are released in Japan.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

No, the thing that's going to really move PS3s at this point isn't original games, it isn't a better line-up it's a pricecut. Sony could throw MGS5 out the door tomorrow and yes we'd see a boost, one that would die back down within a month, cutting the price to be on par with the 360 Premium and only $50 more than a Wii, now that would lead to a sustainable sales increase.

LBP isnt the last chance and no other game is. A single game does not make or break a console. What makes a console is the library behind it. Quality exclusives with 3rd party support = win.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
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Paul_Warren said:

"In order for the PS3 to pull even with the 360, let alone ahead, in the next 12 months, it would have to sell 14m copies, assuming the 360, even with its new price point, doesn't increase its sales. That'd be a 75% increase, which I think would be unheard of for any console this late in its life cycle."

The PS3's life cycle doesn't really even begin until Final Fantasy XIII and Gran Turismo 5 are released in Japan.


I thought the new-generation started when ps3 was launched....but then i though the ps3 would start when it was launch in europe...but then they changed it to summer last year, and then to X-mas last year....but then people said the ps3 domination would start with the launch of GTA....but then they changed it to MGS4..... then people dare to claim that the ps3 will ascend with LBP....and now, even without LBP being launch, you said the ps3 will actually start with FF and GT5....


Interesting....sounds like excuses with a mix of denial. Im tired of waiting for the ps3 to actually "start" its's life cycle. Its been almost 2 years, and people dare to say the ps3 hasnt started yet....damn. Is  just...ridiculous.

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What do you guys mean by win? Hasn't the PS3 been greatly out pacing the 360 in sales from launch date of the consoles? And the PS3 has a much higher demand at certain price points. And if you know anything about a demand curve, then you would know that the PS3 has a much higher demand and has much more room to increase sales. The determining factor will be if Sony can decrease the cost of manufacturing the PS3 enough to take advantage of this demand.

Games wont be the determining factor. Everyone knew Sony has the first party studios and third party connections to have a great library of games by this holiday season. Maybe games would have pushed sales off for later dates but a fear of a limited library is not a threat to PS3 sales in the long run.

As for Little Big Planet, I think what it does help the PS3 with is it gives the consumer the awareness that the PS3 does have casual games. The PS3 does have many great casual games(most of them on the PSN) but none of them have been really marketable like little big planet. So maybe even if LBP doesn't get someone to buy a PS3 because they want to play LBP so bad. It may give the casual consumer a reason to search for more info on the PS3 and realize it is very friendly to casual gamers and may warrant a purchase for games like LBP, Buzz!, Singstar, Guitar Hero/Rockband, and PSN games like Pixel Junk Monsters, Superstardust HD, echochrome, the Last Guy and Pain.

Also as the PS2 and the Dreamcast has proven, there is no definitive end to a generation of consoles. Each console has it's own life cycle and it is not determined by the success or failure of another console. What if in 3 years the 360 stops being manufactured and MS creates a new system after 35 mill 360's have been sold compared to the PS3 only selling 30 mill. However the PS3 continues to be manufactured for 2 more years and goes on to sell 36 mill. Who's the winner?

You don't read alot of people who believe Sony will be locked in third place forever.
How frustrating such a blatant disregard to facts within a post is.

You do realize the 360 is half the price, (and barely competing.. until Sony drops the hammer and decides to murder the 360 with a price drop of their own) it is only a matter of time until the PS3 overtakes the 360... no matter what.

Not a lot of people truly believe the PS3 will finish in 3rd this generation.

I have to believe it was your attempt to just rustle the feathers of the people who have experienced the PS3, (Sony fans).

There will probably not be an immediate effect from LBP that lasts. Although it will be hard to tell since it is the holidays and a ton of games are coming out.

Exclusives have the power to add to a consoles library, and since the PS3 is not the wii... no I do not see the demographic "changing" much because of this game.

It will sell great, be great, and lead to even greater ideas and games in the future for Sony.

The casual market can have their games. I will take Little Big Planet

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

Maynard_Tool said:
Paul_Warren said:

"In order for the PS3 to pull even with the 360, let alone ahead, in the next 12 months, it would have to sell 14m copies, assuming the 360, even with its new price point, doesn't increase its sales. That'd be a 75% increase, which I think would be unheard of for any console this late in its life cycle."

The PS3's life cycle doesn't really even begin until Final Fantasy XIII and Gran Turismo 5 are released in Japan.

I thought the new-generation started when ps3 was launched....but then i though the ps3 would start when it was launch in europe...but then they changed it to summer last year, and then to X-mas last year....but then people said the ps3 domination would start with the launch of GTA....but then they changed it to MGS4..... then people dare to claim that the ps3 will ascend with LBP....and now, even without LBP being launch, you said the ps3 will actually start with FF and GT5....

Interesting....sounds like excuses with a mix of denial. Im tired of waiting for the ps3 to actually "start" its's life cycle. Its been almost 2 years, and people dare to say the ps3 hasnt started yet....damn. Is  just...ridiculous.

Do you not have the money to buy a PS3?

Because That is all I comprehend from your angry, angry hate post.


̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

"haters just jealous", ultraslick? That's not even TRYING. The fact is that when Paul_Warren says that "The PS3's life cycle doesn't really even begin until Final Fantasy XIII and Gran Turismo 5 are released in Japan", he is being completely insane, and so are you if you can't see that.

Maynard_Tool is a broken clock, but he still gets to be right twice a day.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Final-Fan said:
"haters just jealous", ultraslick? That's not even TRYING. The fact is that when Paul_Warren says that "The PS3's life cycle doesn't really even begin until Final Fantasy XIII and Gran Turismo 5 are released in Japan", he is being completely insane, and so are you if you can't see that.

Maynard_Tool is a broken clock, but he still gets to be right twice a day.


Yeah I know, I wasn't trying.

I agree with what you say.  I am very tired, don't let anything I say sink in too deep.

Maybe Paul Warren meant the PS3's main time to shine has not started until that time. I think Sony is almost right where they always should have been... (with the release of LBP and Home soonish)

But you are right, it is nonsense to attempt to say the PS3 lifeclycle hasn't begun yet.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.