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What do you guys mean by win? Hasn't the PS3 been greatly out pacing the 360 in sales from launch date of the consoles? And the PS3 has a much higher demand at certain price points. And if you know anything about a demand curve, then you would know that the PS3 has a much higher demand and has much more room to increase sales. The determining factor will be if Sony can decrease the cost of manufacturing the PS3 enough to take advantage of this demand.

Games wont be the determining factor. Everyone knew Sony has the first party studios and third party connections to have a great library of games by this holiday season. Maybe games would have pushed sales off for later dates but a fear of a limited library is not a threat to PS3 sales in the long run.

As for Little Big Planet, I think what it does help the PS3 with is it gives the consumer the awareness that the PS3 does have casual games. The PS3 does have many great casual games(most of them on the PSN) but none of them have been really marketable like little big planet. So maybe even if LBP doesn't get someone to buy a PS3 because they want to play LBP so bad. It may give the casual consumer a reason to search for more info on the PS3 and realize it is very friendly to casual gamers and may warrant a purchase for games like LBP, Buzz!, Singstar, Guitar Hero/Rockband, and PSN games like Pixel Junk Monsters, Superstardust HD, echochrome, the Last Guy and Pain.

Also as the PS2 and the Dreamcast has proven, there is no definitive end to a generation of consoles. Each console has it's own life cycle and it is not determined by the success or failure of another console. What if in 3 years the 360 stops being manufactured and MS creates a new system after 35 mill 360's have been sold compared to the PS3 only selling 30 mill. However the PS3 continues to be manufactured for 2 more years and goes on to sell 36 mill. Who's the winner?