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You don't read alot of people who believe Sony will be locked in third place forever.
How frustrating such a blatant disregard to facts within a post is.

You do realize the 360 is half the price, (and barely competing.. until Sony drops the hammer and decides to murder the 360 with a price drop of their own) it is only a matter of time until the PS3 overtakes the 360... no matter what.

Not a lot of people truly believe the PS3 will finish in 3rd this generation.

I have to believe it was your attempt to just rustle the feathers of the people who have experienced the PS3, (Sony fans).

There will probably not be an immediate effect from LBP that lasts. Although it will be hard to tell since it is the holidays and a ton of games are coming out.

Exclusives have the power to add to a consoles library, and since the PS3 is not the wii... no I do not see the demographic "changing" much because of this game.

It will sell great, be great, and lead to even greater ideas and games in the future for Sony.

The casual market can have their games. I will take Little Big Planet

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.