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Forums - Sales Discussion - How ******* huge will the DSi launch be?


I have seen some low and high predictions so far.

My own idea is it will sell 350k first week and then will suffer supply shortages for a couple of months.

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(Oct. 7th) Shipment Forecasts:
Launch Day: 200k - 300k units
End of Year: 1.2m - 1.5m units

all I can say it will be huge about 300K for the first week of course DSi only.

tough one... i'm gna go conservative-ish with 200k

I hope then they make new model, so I can come back with Ds.



Take my love, take my land..

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I'm going to say like...250k.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

The thing with DSi, is that multiple things may happen.

We all know that Japan doesn't tend to have multiple SKUs of a system selling. The DS phat only sold less than 500K after the DSi launched. So, I see these being the possible scenarios.

1) The DSi takes a lot of PsP buyers, and the DSL keeps going strong. Both selling equally.

2) The DSi is a sequel to the DSL, the DSL pretty much dies by the start of next year.

3) The DSi is simply too high priced compared to its quality, and simply becomes a third machine. Psp, DS, or DSi? Which to buy?


For the size of the launch, the above doesn't really matter. It's bound to sell at least 150K, and will probably manage 250-300K, in form with Nintendo's predictions.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

How much more expensive is it over the DS? And do you think they will keep selling the DS after the DSi is released?

The reason I am asking is they haven't cut the price of the DS at all if my memory serves me correctly and therefore must have some room to reduce the price or at least keep it the same price as the Ds is.

So can they still sell the DSi at the price the DS is now and cut the price for the DS?

Did that make any sense at all.



Oyvoyvoyv said:

The thing with DSi, is that multiple things may happen.

We all know that Japan doesn't tend to have multiple SKUs of a system selling. The DS phat only sold less than 500K after the DSi launched. So, I see these being the possible scenarios.

1) The DSi takes a lot of PsP buyers, and the DSL keeps going strong. Both selling equally.

2) The DSi is a sequel to the DSL, the DSL pretty much dies by the start of next year.

3) The DSi is simply too high priced compared to its quality, and simply becomes a third machine. Psp, DS, or DSi? Which to buy?


For the size of the launch, the above doesn't really matter. It's bound to sell at least 150K, and will probably manage 250-300K, in form with Nintendo's predictions.


I'm going with 2. I honestly think that the DSi will be ridiculous in Japan - many people will buy it to replace the DS they already own.

350k first week, 1.75M by the end of year.

Anywhere from 200-350k... It could do anything, but lets be honest it will push massive amounts during Dec-Ian...

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