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360: Braid
Wii: Kart
PC: Sins of a Solar Empire (I think that came out this year)

Overall: LBP

Currently Playing:  Saints Row 2 | Battlefield 2 | Company of Heroes

Recently Beaten: Gears of War | Super Mario Galaxy | Darwinia | MGS4 | Sam and Max Ep. 4, Portal | Mirror's Edge | Uncharted | Mass Effect

Looking Forward to: Alan Wake | Splinter Cell : Conviction | The Last Guardian | Batman: Arkham Asylum | SMG2 | Mass Effect 2 |

Around the Network
king_of_the_castle said:
360: Braid
Wii: Kart
PC: Sins of a Solar Empire (I think that came out this year)

Overall: LBP


A downloadable game is going to beat a massive-budget third person shooter that is in fact a sequel to a Game of the Year?

Dream on.

Brawl>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kart (in reviewers' eyes at least)

Why do VGChartz members have this unconditional love of LBP that nobody else shares? IT IS NOT GAME OF THE YEAR MATERIAL!

Only real contenders, once again, are:



-Fallout 3 (depending)

Sure LBP will get a nomination, get into the top ten. But it's not going to win.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

JPSandhu said:
im loving the sniper it way too much fun. and i cant really say how i got the game i can just say i got it legally. and yea fable 2 has to be mentioned i thought i liked games like gta but i should have givin rpg's a try sooner, i had more fun with fable then i did with zelda oot, don't hate ninty fans its jus my opinion.

FABLE 3 will be huge


 the sniper is fun in Gears 1 too. blowing enemies head off is pure epic.

The game of the year award goes to MGS4!!!

1. Metal Gear Solid 4
2. Grand Theft Auto IV
3. LittleBigPlanet
4. Gears of War 2
5. Fallout 3

Around the Network
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Darc Requiem said:
^^Little Big Planet is more innovative. MGS4 is by far the more derivative of the two.


Yes, but LBP is a shot in the dark thats trying to tap a new audience. It's not exactly based off of a hot game, it's only banking off of hype. MGS4 is a much stronger title. It will not sell as much as MGS4.

Which has nothing to do with GOTY. If GOTY was about sales Madden would win every year. Okami won game of the year despite awful sales.


IMO MGS4 is going to win.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
davygee said:


  1. Metal Gear Solid 4
  2. Grand Theft Auto IV
  3. LittleBigPlanet
  4. Resistance 2
  5. Gears of War 2
  6. Fallout 3
  7. Dead Space
  8. Mirrors Edge
  9. Call of Duty: World at War

Although all of the above have a chance at taking the crown, the real contenders will end up alot smaller and the top 5 will be:

Real Top 5:

  1. Metal Gear Solid 4
  2. Grand Theft Auto IV
  3. LittleBigPlanet
  4. Gears of War 2
  5. Fallout 3

And if I was to put money on what game will win the moment, I reckon it would be GTAIV


You're missing Fable II.


Fable II will be nowhere near the GOTY awards!!  Not enough people will pick it up and it won't get enough mainstream appreciation.  Also with so many great (not just good) games this year, it will disappear into obscurity unfortunately as it looks quite nice.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

Darc Requiem said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Darc Requiem said:
^^Little Big Planet is more innovative. MGS4 is by far the more derivative of the two.


Yes, but LBP is a shot in the dark thats trying to tap a new audience. It's not exactly based off of a hot game, it's only banking off of hype. MGS4 is a much stronger title. It will not sell as much as MGS4.

Which has nothing to do with GOTY. If GOTY was about sales Madden would win every year. Okami won game of the year despite awful sales.



OK then just by gameplay alone, i'd say Gears 2.

Are you talking about the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences GOTY award? If so, any non-violent game has no chance. LBP has no chance as the industry always prefer violent games over cutesy games.


And at the user that played Gears of War 2, I don't believe that you aren't a pirate if you already have the game...

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...