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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

"@ Everyone who thinks the PS3 will outsell the wii. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahha. I cant believe that is stil going on after all this time. My end of gen predictions and LT predictions."

The thing is most of you seem to think is that the Wii is predestined to sell some staggeringly high amount like it's the second coming of Christ or something. But the thing is Nintendo really blew it at this year's E3. They promised tons of high quality games for their core fans, then they totally failed to deliver on this. Then they failed to deliver again at Leipzig and at the recent TGS. All Nintendo fans were clamoring for Kingdom Hearts III to come to their system but there weren't any Square games announced for the Wii at E3, Leipzig, or the recent TGS. It seems that Square is either going to be able to do things right this gen or they're going to wait until some point in the future to do them.

In the meantime Nintendo continues to try to get by on watered down versions of past successes eg. Animal Crossing (designed soley to take advantage of their latest internet speech gimmick) or pablum like Wii Music which is really failing to live up to the sales of past "Wii" games. Reduced sales for the system in Japan, poor sales for Wii Music, no exclusive AAA core third-party game (most of its recently announced games actually seem to be rather average survival horror type games with only 8.5 or so at most potential), are all indications that people are waking up to the Wii's shortcomings and that the system is in need of a price cut if it wants try to continue its past success.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

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Okay, I usually refuse to reply to trolls, but your post is just so darn funny.

The thing is, you say "All Nintendo fans were clamoring for KH3 to come to Wii. Completely wrong.

The real sentence would be. "Most Nintendo fans had a clue E3 existed. Some few people were hoping for KH3".

Nintendo E3 was very good. It appealed to the casuals. E3 is the only conference were you can do this.


I refuse to believe that you are 35 years old, as your posts indicate that you have far less knowledge than for instance Dtewi or Soriku, who are only 13 and 14 (or something).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

it's a very personal opinion about who's got the biggest lineup. Motorstorm is yet another racing game and we all know that racing games in America don't sell. Resistance 2 is good, but if you can gears 2, gears 1.5... I don't see why it isn't resistance 1.5? Though, LBP is definitely an innovative game. You're in the movies for 360 looks good too. Both consoles have great games this holiday, there's no clear winner like last year.

I think the ds has the strongest lineup.


i see someone watched the Imaginationland episodes of South Park a bit too much

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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Paul_Warren said:

"@ Everyone who thinks the PS3 will outsell the wii. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahha. I cant believe that is stil going on after all this time. My end of gen predictions and LT predictions."

The thing is most of you seem to think is that the Wii is predestined to sell some staggeringly high amount like it's the second coming of Christ or something. But the thing is Nintendo really blew it at this year's E3. They promised tons of high quality games for their core fans, then they totally failed to deliver on this. Then they failed to deliver again at Leipzig and at the recent TGS. All Nintendo fans were clamoring for Kingdom Hearts III to come to their system but there weren't any Square games announced for the Wii at E3, Leipzig, or the recent TGS. It seems that Square is either going to be able to do things right this gen or they're going to wait until some point in the future to do them.

In the meantime Nintendo continues to try to get by on watered down versions of past successes eg. Animal Crossing (designed soley to take advantage of their latest internet speech gimmick) or pablum like Wii Music which is really failing to live up to the sales of past "Wii" games. Reduced sales for the system in Japan, poor sales for Wii Music, no exclusive AAA core third-party game (most of its recently announced games actually seem to be rather average survival horror type games with only 8.5 or so at most potential), are all indications that people are waking up to the Wii's shortcomings and that the system is in need of a price cut if it wants try to continue its past success.


Yet despite this since E3, Leipzig & TGS the Wii has STILL outsold the 360 and PS3, and will do this holiday season.


"You're in the movies for 360 looks good too"

That's a funny comment there. You're in the Movies is the only game on earth that makes Wii Music look like Little Big Planet.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

<--- Disagree

Fable 2


Left 4 Dead


Gay in the movies

Gay lips(booo casuals)

Viva Pinata 2

Fallout 3 DLC

Crono trigger ds pwns all games on your list.

MikeB said:

@ Paul_Warren

"Let me know when the PS3 outsells the Wii, bro, okay?"

I made a prediction that in a best case scenario for Sony it could by Christmas 2010.

That's my perspective as well, I think a Slimline PS3 will start to outsell the Wii and I expect the PS3 to overtake the Wii install base after Nintendo releases a WiiHD.

Maybe the timing isn't right to share such opinions on many multi-platform forums, as many people only seem to be able to imagine a future based on current events and trends.

I think the guy is just trolling himself by calling people with such opinions to be trolls.


So, you think Paul_Warren isn't a troll?

Look, I don't care what kind of things you believe, read some of the things this guy posted. They are radically pro Sony, to the level of being absurd. Not only that, just read...any of his post, or his first post on this page. Watch out who you defend, Mike.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.