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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

fayewong said:

Nope, I am not. I simply confused everyone by changing it to their own perspective of what should be in a lineup and what should not. Therefore causing more misunderstandings for those who don't read the whole thread (like you) to go against me while they are actually going against someone else.

You want me to quote everything I say from everyone who I replied too? please.... It won't kill you to read a few posts above you. You are a moderator right? Its your jobs to be reading posts.


It always avoids confusion. 

I've admitted many times I don't always read the whole thread, especially when it's 200+ posts of fanboys bickering over the same thing for 200 posts.  I skim for certain users I like and skim for posts that might look interesting.

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twesterm said:
fayewong said:

Nope, I am not. I simply confused everyone by changing it to their own perspective of what should be in a lineup and what should not. Therefore causing more misunderstandings for those who don't read the whole thread (like you) to go against me while they are actually going against someone else.

You want me to quote everything I say from everyone who I replied too? please.... It won't kill you to read a few posts above you. You are a moderator right? Its your jobs to be reading posts.


It always avoids confusion. 

I've admitted many times I don't always read the whole thread, especially when it's 200+ posts of fanboys bickering over the same thing for 200 posts.  I skim for certain users I like and skim for posts that might look interesting.

I never read half the crap people post on this forum. In fact, I don't read half of the posts I give replies for, past the point at which I feel like replying. It's because I already know what everyone is going to say, most of the time.

Why should I be forced to read a bunch of blather that usually ends up trying to explain why the Xbox 360 sucks in every concievable way.

Edit: The porn was great. This thread has somehow gotten even more unbelievable since I left.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I love how people are avoiding my questions.....

ok you can give me any list you want.... if you don't have an argument behind to support the strength of one line up or one game in front of the other it's not worth jack shit..... I can as well go and say frogger 2 is a killer app that beat all those games on both side...some of those game i didn't even remotely hear about them... they might be good or bad... just give me some substance to rely on here.... you are just doing a pissing contest... with no valid point... who cares what is exclu or not... give me some facts.. and don't tell me the games are not out so we can't say shit... and don't give me metacritics score either if they are already out... give me something YOU believe.... WHAT ACTUALLY MAKES YOU THINK ONE GAME WILL BE BETTER THAN THE OTHER AND WHY ONE LINE UP IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER.......

Its all opinion on strongest line up its just fun to read some of the arguments

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

no doubt about it the huge exclusives will definitly help this winter, just to refresh everyones mind

1. LBP- doesn't get any HUGER than this

2. Resistance 2- Story and Multiplayer look much improved and it now has a fanbase

3. Motorstorm 2- Amazing gameplay, Insane graphics,

4. Socom Confrontation- reviews don't matter for this game, hardcore fans still bought it

Definitly blows the competition out of the water,

1) Motorstorm 2 - 80
2) Socom Con - 60

3) Gears of War 2 will EAT R2 alive ...
4) LBP, have you seen F2 first day sales :P


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I will make it my SOLE PURPOSE IN LIFE to revive this thread in January. Some people are going to have serious egg on their faces.

Without a doubt, the PS3 has the best lineup going through the end of this year into the next year and then up to the release of the PS4. 'Nuff said.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Paul_Warren said:
Without a doubt, the PS3 has the best lineup going through the end of this year into the next year and then up to the release of the PS4. 'Nuff said.


 The ps3's line up for next year has already won? SAYS WHO?

Ah, these games coming to a 360 Near you in 2009 must have all been cancelled then huh...........


Alan wake

Halo wars


APB (All Points Bulliten)

The protector

RACE pro

Halo 3 RECON

Velvet assasssin

The precursors

Dead island

Forza 3

Splinter cell: Conviction

And thats just off the top of my head, And you know Microsoft will have plenty up thier sleeves and maybe even more once Semi ps3 exclusives to announce

Yes, I'm aware of your Gran turismos and Your God of wars but lets face it, Those are your only 2 system sellers left, Especially with Tekken 6 (Ha Ha Ha) and Final fantasy going multiplat.

Year of the ps3 2009? You aint got no MGS game to save your asses this time next year. Bottom line____________



At least we can all agree that the Wii has the worst line up this holiday season.

"Alan wake"

Yawn...piece of terminally delayed shovel-ware. It's been so embarrasing to them that MS won't even discuss it at a major conference. It might be better than the Max Payne movie, but then again that only has a Metacritic score of 30.

Halo wars --

Big failure. Probably about an 85 at best. But Starcraft II is the next big rts game once it comes out no one will remember that Halo Wars exists. Talk about a game with slowdown problems.

It will be much better on the PC.

"APB (All Points Bulliten)"
It is no DC Universe or Alpha Protocol.

"The protector"

"RACE pro"

"Halo 3 RECON"
This one is certainly destined to be the lowest-rated Bungie Halo game.

Velvet assasssin
Could be an 85

"The precursors"

"Dead island"

"Forza 3"
It's also coming to the PS3. And a better racer Gran Turismo 5 is coming exclusively to the PS3.

"Splinter cell: Conviction"

Their list might be have a little bit of interest if itf it had Voodoo Vince 2 or something.

Now, let's take a look at the PS3's lineup:

White Knight Chronicles
Ratchet and Clank Future II
Uncharted 2
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Territories
Team ICO Project

(That would be enough right there.  Exclusive games by Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Sucker Punch, and Team ICO.  What do the developers of APB, The Predecessors, and RACE:  Pro have on their resumes that could ever begin to compare to what these four studios have done?  The four Sony developers have several 9.5 and higher IGN rated games between them for their part.)

Final Fantasy XIII (exclusive to the PS3 in Japan -- best verision will be the blu-ray one which won't be compressed to fit on dvds.  The 2 million sales that it generates for the PS3 in Japan will lead to yet another Sony rpg boom)
Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3 exclusive)
Hideo Kojima's Next Project (exclusive to PS3)
Kingdom Hearts III
Yakuza 3
God of War III
Killzone 2
Gran Tursimo 5.
Heavy Rain
Eternal Darkness 2

The vast majority of these games are all by proven developers that had at least one or more PS2 games that achieved 9+ review scores (and in the case of Naughty Dog and Insomniac they have already had 9 to 10 rated games in this gen). Unlike some of these games like The Protector, Dead Island (What is someone supposed to impressed by yet another zombie game? RE5 will more than adequately fill that role and after that no one will need another zombie game until the next gen).

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.