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I love how people are avoiding my questions.....

ok you can give me any list you want.... if you don't have an argument behind to support the strength of one line up or one game in front of the other it's not worth jack shit..... I can as well go and say frogger 2 is a killer app that beat all those games on both side...some of those game i didn't even remotely hear about them... they might be good or bad... just give me some substance to rely on here.... you are just doing a pissing contest... with no valid point... who cares what is exclu or not... give me some facts.. and don't tell me the games are not out so we can't say shit... and don't give me metacritics score either if they are already out... give me something YOU believe.... WHAT ACTUALLY MAKES YOU THINK ONE GAME WILL BE BETTER THAN THE OTHER AND WHY ONE LINE UP IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER.......