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MikeB said:

@ Paul_Warren

"Let me know when the PS3 outsells the Wii, bro, okay?"

I made a prediction that in a best case scenario for Sony it could by Christmas 2010.

That's my perspective as well, I think a Slimline PS3 will start to outsell the Wii and I expect the PS3 to overtake the Wii install base after Nintendo releases a WiiHD.

Maybe the timing isn't right to share such opinions on many multi-platform forums, as many people only seem to be able to imagine a future based on current events and trends.

I think the guy is just trolling himself by calling people with such opinions to be trolls.


So, you think Paul_Warren isn't a troll?

Look, I don't care what kind of things you believe, read some of the things this guy posted. They are radically pro Sony, to the level of being absurd. Not only that, just read...any of his post, or his first post on this page. Watch out who you defend, Mike.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.